Cash money bills

You Are Paying Your Public Servants 39.9% More Than You Make To Do the “Same” Job

For years, people groused about the high taxes in my town, so the Budget Committee Chair, at the time, asked me (knowing I was a “data guy”) to look into it – so I did. The comparison was against the 30-odd other towns that were “close enough” in size and population to make reasonable estimates for the 25 or so job descriptions.

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Girls book reading study education

The Three Letters That Strike Fear in the Hearts of Teachers’ Unions and Public Schools

Three letters strike fear in the hearts of teachers’ unions and public schools in our state—three letters that arouse hatred and animosity in our teachers: EFA. Educational Freedom Accounts.

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AFT American Federation of Teachers Union Logo

AFT Battles NEA For Most Dangerous Force on Education

I wrote about the NEA, National Education Association, just last week and its damaging influence on education, and worse, our children. With millions of members and their dues supporting far-left political issues and candidates, the NEA is more of a Political Action Committee than an entity concerned with your child’s education. The NEA says on … Read more

Meg Tuttle NEA-NH Patch

Blogline of the Day – She said the quiet part out loud (e.g., Parents, back off!)

This isn’t the quiet part yet, but sets the stage:

“Meg Tuttle, president of the NEA-NH, the state’s largest teacher’s union, said it is dangerous to let parents get between teachers and students when it comes to talking about sex.”

Got that?

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ABC school books apple

With School Board Elections Looming – A few Thoughts for Dealing with Lying Leftists

Last year, New Hampshire passed a law that added new protections against discrimination in publicly funded institutions like Public Schools. It protects kids from institutional racism, but Democrats have been lying about 24/7/365 since it passed.

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Critical Race Theory Equity All People are Racist

CRT – Belief in Creationism is ‘White Supremacy’ – Stack of Stuff Part 18

Sheesh, Skip – get focused, willya? You’re not posting enough of this stuff – it’s coming in over the transom faster than you’re getting it out to our readers. C’mon man – get on the stick!

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Randi Weingarten - Screen Grab Kris Ann Hall Show Cheddar News

Taxpayers, Not Unions, Should Direct School Curricula

Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers Union, was threatening parents at her convention last week who stood in the way of a 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory curricula from being taught in public schools.

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Data Point – Causes of Death for Children – Most to Least: Guess What’s “Least”?

I have been moving, more and more, into the camp that the WuFlu Pandemic has become more of a Political Power Play for the Progressives than a real concern for children returning to school.

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Demorrhoids Everywhere

What Will Dems Do Now That a Teachers Union Opposes Mandatory Vaccination?

Almost any plea for requiring vaccination can be followed to some Left-Wing source so this is a problem. A New Hampshire Teachers Union representing 17,000 “educators” has come out against mandatory vaccination for staff or students.

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Students teacher classroom

Who is Killing the Public Schools?

There seems to be a common goal among parents on what makes a good public school. For instance, they want a quality academic program, a safe environment for their children, and parenting left to the parents. It’s not a difficult recipe, and it’s one that we’ve used in the past.

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Is-CRT-racist-replace-white-with-black top half

Connecticut Newspaper calls Parents “KKK” – Stack of Stuff Part 15

Way to go Hartford Courant. When losing, call yourself a victim and demonize your opposition (behind a paywall) instead of, you know, debating CRT’s premise that one group of people ALWAYS oppresses another simply because of skin color.

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Teachers Unions Education Children

Quick Shot: CDC Admits Teachers Unions Influenced COVID19 School Guidelines

Children have nothing to fear from SARS CoV2 unless they have other severe medical conditions. Kids, as a rule, don’t carry enough viral load to be symptomatic or contagious. But the CDC ignored that and listened to teacher’s unions, which is why many of you are still trapped in remote or hybrid (no one is really learning) environments.

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CDC Director Says Teachers Don’t Need Vaccinations to Reopen Schools

Someone in the Obiden White House needs to get the Communist Diseases Coordinators (CDC) under control. CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky just said, “Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite for safely reopening schools.” That’s not the party line.

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COVID stay home fear little girl

Experts Admit: The Public Health Establishment Is Torturing Your Children For No Apparent Reason

Our coverage of the ongoing domestic abuse and terrorism of American children continues with the help of Tucker Carlson. He did a quick recap of news you might have missed over the long holiday weekend, including the revelation by “experts” that kids could and should have been learning in-person.

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Democrats Out to Kill Charter Schools

We have just ended Joint Fiscal Committee meeting of the New Hampshire Legislature. The most controversial item was a Federal Education Grant of 46 million dollars over 5 years, for improving and adding new charter schools. The first installment to be voted on was 11 million dollars.

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Woman Parent GOP v Dems Unions Education 2

Teacher’s Unions Are Making a Profound Mistake: Are Any Republicans Going To Take Advantage of it?

I realize that this has been on my stack since mid-last-month and schools are already starting to open for the year but thanks to Teachers Unions parents aren’t all that happy with this new redefinition of education. Are any Republicans going to take advantage of that?

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Schools as Institutional racism

Opposing School Choice Supports Systemic Racism

There was a time when the Democratic Party worked to prosper working people. Today, in New Hampshire and around the country, they oppose allowing tax dollars of working parents to follow their children to achieve the best possible educational environment for their children.

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Do not open without teachers permission

What to Do Now That Your School is Not Opening?

What can you do if you want your kids back in school but your School Board members (your elected representatives) have been “captured” by the staff, or as the NH School Board Association put it: defered to your professionals.

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William Barr - twitter image

Notable Quote – You DO know where systemic racism is, right?

Emphasis mine: “People talk about implicit racism or systemic racism: rhe racism in this country, look no further than our public education system,” Barr said during an interview with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity. “That’s a racist system maintained by the Democratic party and the teachers union, keeping inner city kids in failing schools instead … Read more

School Closed

A Story About School Reopenings

“My wife, who is apparently a glutton for punishment, listened to an entire Arlington County school board meeting last night. School is online only indefinitely. She reports there was great concern expressed about, and discussion of how to help:”

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