A Story About School Reopenings

by Skip

“My wife, who is apparently a glutton for punishment, listened to an entire Arlington County school board meeting last night. School is online only indefinitely. She reports there was great concern expressed about, and discussion of how to help:”

Related:  Your First Responsibility is to Your Kids and Government Schools Are Not Your Only Option

(1) the teachers, especially those who will have kids at home (the proposal was to give teachers with kids ten and younger child care, and no one else); (2) the staff, who should not be subject to any layoffs or hours reductions, even if, like extended-day staff, they have nothing to do; (3) poor kids who rely on school lunches; and (4) poor kids who have trouble accessing the internet.

Other than (4), there was essentially no discussion of educating students, which was a disaster online in the Spring, nor concern expressed for parents who can’t afford childcare, can’t afford tutors to help their kids, and who are otherwise experiencing a looming disaster with indefinite school closure.

The way at least my county school system has reacted to this crisis would have been considered outrageous ideological propaganda if a libertarian-oriented public choice scholar had predicted it. I’ve heard the same about other districts.

My School District had their meeting this past Tuesday and I have a post-in-process about the “plan” that was put together by Superintendent and a task force that was made up of district employees. All of them on the taxpayer’s District’s dime. Not a single “civilian” parent or taxpayer. In just listening to the presentation (do with words “aspects of a fait accompli” have traction with you?), I ended up with a page of 25 questions or so. When I went up to the mic during the public session, after reeling off a few questions, I was asked by the Chair:

do you have more questions to ask?

My response:


and I flashed the page at him with my chicken scratchings on it – the page was pretty full.  Having served with him on the BudComm, he was the liaison from the School Board, he knew I wasn’t kidding and I started off asking financial questions that Superintendent Kirk Beitler had clue none to answer. The Chair then asked if I was planning to ask ALL those questions.

But that’s for that post. And yes, I am going to RSA 91-A for the video as well.

(H/T: Instapundit)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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