suicide Archives - Page 2 of 5 - Granite Grok


aclu colorful sign trans kid deserve to live

The Trans Suicide Myth and Blackmail Politics

“Rates of suicide are as high as 40% in transgender youth,” Dr. Simrun Bal of Dartmouth Health testified at the New Hampshire State House. “Imagine that if there are 100 people in this room, 40 of us would have attempted suicide.”

Gender Ideology Ad Trimmed

Transgender Ideology Harms Children

“It’s not an ideology!” was a common response to the Facebook ad for my NH state senate campaign that asserted that “Gender ideology does not belong in schools.”


When Did We Lose the Sanctity of Life

When did we become so numb to senseless death? Was it the video games that we have played for decades? Was it the movies filled with violence that we paid good money to see? Was it CRT being taught in our schools that made our children hate our country and system?