Bill Clinton Underage Sex Pal Jeffrey Epstein Commits “Suicide” in Prison

Jeffrey Epstein, the high-profile serial pedophile, has killed himself in prison. He was on suicide “watch,” which must have meant we watch until the dirt-bag commits suicide. Because that’s what happened.

Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is dead, law enforcement sources said Saturday.

A gurney carrying a man who looked like Epstein was wheeled out of the Manhattan Correctional Center around 7:30 a.m. The ambulance went to New York Downtown Hospital.

The incident comes two weeks after Epstein, 66, was placed on suicide watch after he was found nearly unconscious in his cell with injuries to his neck.

I guess he won’t be testifying about all the high-profile “friends” he has escorted on his underage Lolita trips to jail-bait island. Bill Clinton must be breathing a partial sigh of relief. He has ties to Epstein and his sexcapades.

But this massive #MeToo problem has managed itself.

The only real question remaining is this. Despite reports that Epstein was found hanging in his cell, alone, having suffered cardiac arrest, was this an actual suicide or an assisted suicide? He was on suicide watch. Surveilled. And, in theory, at least, had nothing in his possession he could use to kill himself.

But he did. And a lot of powerful well-connected people (with connections to Epstein) must be happy about that.

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