Extinction Rebellion is a street theater group pretending to be politically motivated by the impending Climate Crisis. It’s actually a social justice movement using fake-climate fearmongering to push left-wing cultural engineering. So, should we care if they want to off-themselves in public?
Related: Stop Trying to Appease the (D)ouchebags on Climate Issues (It’s not about the Climate)
Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists, increasingly overshadowed by the coronavirus, have been discussing new and ever more desperate ways to grab attention for their next big publicity stunt.
Mooted tactics include: committing suicide in public (perhaps at the UN’s next climate summit in Glasgow later this year); hunger strike to the death; painting parliament green; spraying traffic lights black; blocking every station, airport, and motorway in Britain; and “scare the f**k out of people”.
These aren’t monks setting themselves on fire in protest, we’re talking about mentally unstable jihadist rhetoric. And the enviro-movement’s various factions already engage in eco-terrorism. The next logical step to suggesting public suicides is taking other things with you for the cause. Energy infrastructure, people.
Have they asked for volunteers yet? It does not appear to have escalated to that point. But how long before it does?
And they are serious. Recruiting is down. They are losing what little relevance they had. What better way to attract crazies than being crazy?
Don’t worry New Hampshire. We’ve no shortage of Extinction Rebellion (and Climate Strike) idiots in the Granite State. But they appear to have missed the bit (or maybe not) where this has nothing to do with the earth or the time we may have left. “It’s about ending white supremacy, patriarchy, and Eurocentrism.”
Not that the weather or the planet gives a damn. But any storm in a port, right? And they are crazy. Just look at them. And now they are thinking, hey, maybe we should off ourselves?
Okay. Who’s signing up for that?
Image: cray-cray political street theater in Concord, NH