If you qualify as terminally ill (a definition that can change in a heartbeat – life is a terminal condition), Vermont has made it easier to obtain physician-assisted suicide drugs!
S.74 “proposes to eliminate a requirement in Vermont’s patient choice at end of life laws that both oral requests required of the patient with a terminal condition for medication to be self-administered to hasten the patient’s death must have been made in the physical presence of the physician to whom the patient made the request.”
And so it has – passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Scott (r), you can now use Zoom or any equivalent form of telemedicine to request drugs to end your life without ever meeting with the doctor prescribing death.
a) A physician shall not be subject to any civil or criminal liability or professional disciplinary action if the physician prescribes to a patient with a terminal condition medication to be self-administered for the purpose of hastening the patient’s death and the physician affirms by documenting in the patient’s medical record that all of the following occurred:
(1) The patient made an oral request to the physician in the physician’s physical presence or by telemedicine, …
There is a 15-day waiting period before the drugs get shipped, so you could, in theory, get a handgun sooner if you’re itching to be on your way (Vermont has not yet passed a proposed 30-day waiting period for handguns hiding inside S30 “An act relating to prohibiting possession of firearms within hospital buildings.”)
You are, of course, free to end your life by any other means, and I only bring up the handgun thing because people will say it’s an awful thing to write. Last I checked, chemically executing people in prison is a horrible thing, but in Vermont, you can Zoom Dr. Death and in about two weeks get the “drugs” necessary to “ease your passing™.”
There are no protests or requests to the governor for a stay or call from a judge.
And it’s the same people on both sides of that issue. But if death by lethal injection is so bad, how about a zoom call from death row with a doctor, and boom, Get er Done!
Because, silly, Democrats like criminals more than you. And as far as they are concerned, felons are less of a burden than the terminally ill (especially after you let them out of jail). They are also useful. Criminals commit crimes, and you can shoot them in public when they wear out their usefulness. But before that, they destabilize the ordered, and predictable lives of a Middle-Class Progressives despise.
Comfort, when it comes to dying, is acceptable, but living? There’s no room in utopia for you to be comfortable.
That sort of Government can’t afford it. And, if they happen to have assisted suicide as an option, you might – one day – be ‘diagnosed’ with a terminal illness (by the same doctor who tried to kill you with a ventilator and Remdesivir) and encouraged to end their your suffering.
Heck, why wait? You can go to Oregon right now and die sooner. They passed suicide tourism just this year.
And not long from now, you’ll be able to Zoom or Skype or Facetime Oregon and get the death meds without traveling.
The assisted suicide lobby wants to approve out-of-state-assisted suicide requests via telehealth and to send the lethal drugs by mail to the out-of-state requestor.
Amazon Prime members get them in just two days!
If you think for one moment this isn’t going to happen and then become federal law, either by an act of congress or a Roe v. Wade like SCOTUS decision, you’ve not been paying enough attention.
They want it, and how hard has that been looking back for them to get what they want? Not very. There are a few bumps in the road here and there, a few years, delays, but it happens in the end.
I mean, technically, we already have this with the open border and rampant opioid overdose deaths. It’s government security policy assisted suicide. A few more words and only technically illegal – you have to get caught.
But imagine a government program run by eugenicists forever seeking ways to cull the masses. It will not only be poorly regulated but become an approved method of political assassination.
Can you see the smiles on the faces of the Clinton Crime Family and the FBI (if and where you can separate them)? No more accidents or messy “suicides.” From now on, anyone who knows anything and is a risk will become ill, get telemedicine, and kill themselves with dignity, and at this point, what difference does it make.
You know I’m right, but who’s prepared to step up and stop it before it gets that far? Better yet, who can?