Carol Seiu-Porter gets 50% of her PAC money from Unions. You remember the Unions? Their leadership extorts taxpayer dollars away from the real workers to pay union employees then demands that they tithe money to them for the privilege of doing it again. Then they give some of it to Carol so she can help protect their interests.
That’s hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars filtered through union employees to a candidate they might not even support.
Carol also gets another 48% from congressional PAC’s, most of whom are heavily funded by unions. These are congresspersons–some of them avowed socialists–who like Carol see no problem in giving the public sector employees more feed than those who work to feed them.
In exchange for that money Carol supports everything the unions want whether it is good for New Hampshire or not. She loves their golden goose, card check, which would eliminate the secret ballot for organizing a union. It allows unions to strong arm people into joining. Unions do still do that. Ask her AFL-CIO Buddy Richard Trumka. (and here). And while I’m at it some of my own ruminations Here, Here, and Here. (and why not here as well).