John Lynch Must Go!

New Hampshire Democrats, and John Lynch have seen their own policy goals mirrored on the big screen in Washington DC and they could not be happier.  Every time the feds have a handout, no matter what the strings, Lynch grabs it with both hands, pimping out the Granite State for one time Federal dollars with … Read more

MilkingThe Union Cow

MooCarol Seiu-Porter gets 50% of her PAC money from Unions.  You remember the Unions?  Their leadership extorts taxpayer dollars away from the real workers to pay union employees then demands that they tithe  money to them for the privilege of doing it again.  Then they give some of it to Carol so she can help protect their interests.

That’s hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars filtered through union employees to a candidate they might not even support.

Carol also gets another 48% from congressional PAC’s, most of whom are heavily funded by unions.  These are congresspersons–some of them avowed socialists–who like Carol see no problem in giving the public sector employees more feed than those who work to feed them.

In exchange for that money Carol supports everything the unions want whether it is good for New Hampshire or not.  She loves their golden goose, card check, which would eliminate the secret ballot for organizing a union.  It allows unions to strong arm people into joining.  Unions do still do that.  Ask her AFL-CIO Buddy Richard Trumka. (and here).  And while I’m at it some of my own ruminations Here, Here, and Here. (and why not here as well).

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Shea-Porter has amended 27 Seperate FEC filings.

If FEC disclosure amendments are really that big a deal, then why are we not discussing the fact that Carol Shea-Porter has had to amend her FEC filings 27 times. That’s one filing amended for ever 1.6 months in office. Is she that sloppy? Maybe she took advice from Nancy Pelosi instead of reading the filing rules herself –we know she’ not very good at reading things.

What About Union Campaign Ethics

Bill O’Brien, the next speaker of the New Hampshire House, has drafted a bill for next session meant to resolve the conflict of interest that exists when state employees campaign for state politicians.  Mr. O’Brien’s motivation, as reported in an article in the morning UL by John DiStaso, is Pam Walsh who  collected thousands in political consulting fees from Teflon John Lynch while employed by the state.

The State Union objects to the bill on the grounds that the language in the proposed bill is too broad, that no state employee would be able to work for anyone running for office in the state.  But maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

When you boil it down, there really isn’t any difference between a lobbyist and a public service union member who draws a taxpayer funded paycheck.  These folks have an immediate financial interest in who is elected to office.  They actually pay an entity (the union) to represent them in negotiations with the very government for whom they work, for the purpose of expanding their share of taxpayer patronage, a goal that is directly affected by who is elected to office.  Their natural inclination will be to support politicians who will reward them with financial remuneration and/or expand union access or power to achieve similar gains.  Not only is it a conflict of interest, it is a home field advantage that no other voter or taxpayer can hope to compete with, paid for by the taxpayers themselves from the dues paid out of taxpayer funded paychecks.

Why is this even legal? 

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The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

This from the "Pot calling the kettle black" files: Ray Buckley is grinding his little Facebook propaganda mill again in an effort to get the liberal-regressive’s to put down the latte’s and lose the sad little faces from the implosion of Obama’s partisan, moonbeam,  Che Guevara cotillion and get their little rumps in gear to save his chairmanship.

This weeks episode: Citizens United destroyed campaign finance law because the democrats are (according to Buckley) being outspent 8 to 1.  The real problem is that others can now compete with unions and the lefts monster cash apparatus and Ray is just whining about the sudden appearance of real equality.

All one needs to do is sell their soul to a billionaire or industry that will spend millions destroying their opponent. That way the candidate will have only one master instead of those peksy constituents and $100 donors. But my point isn’t to state the obvious it is to slam the progressives unwilling to help.

And Ray would know all about that which is what makes this just so…damn…funny. So I’m clear on the hypocrisy part, (and by the way, when Republicans line up to object to liberal billionaire ATM’s that’s just nonsense) but I do have one question for Ray.  What is a "peksy" constituent?

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Fact Check (Dot) Wrong

It’s not news that is run by the Annenberg Foundation, which is one of many Soros left wing cash machines giving grants to liberals and non-profits set up to destroy freedom in America.  So to even venture that might have a bias seems like a waste of perfectly good digital trees.  But sometimes it’s too good to resist.

Yesterday I wrote this about the Seiu-Porter campaigns response to an Ad by George Pataki. (Didn’t he play Lt Sulu?)  Pataki, the former moderate (small r) republican governor of New York–is that redundant?–fronted the Ad through a group called Revere America, a 527 /non profit.  Fact check, fact cheeked the ad, but got a few ‘facts’ wrong.

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Lunch for Lynch

Mike Hoefer is skipping his Lunch for Lynch and he’s asking the folks at Boo Hoo Hampshire to do the same.  He figures, rather than spend $9.68 at Panera bread he’s donating that money to Lynch for Governor to help fight back against the attacks by NOM. Well Mike, I have a few thoughts. Panera … Read more

Lynch Lies Some More

He lied about the confab being for campaign contributions, he lied about the deficit and spending, he lied about balancing the budget, the "surplus" meme is a lie in the context with which he’s applied it, he stood for parental rights then shot them down, he said he was against broad based taxes but signed … Read more

How Do You Create A Job?

How do you create a job? Easy question, unless you are a liberal democrat like Dick Blumenthal.  Linda McMahon asked this question in her debate last night with Dick whom she is running against for the a Senate Seat from Connecticut.  He didn’t seem to know how. (See Red State for the video). Oddly enough, … Read more

The Congresswoman From EMILY’s List

I guess when Carol Shea-Porter took office she swore to defend her special interest donors before the constitution and the people. That’s how she’s legislated. That’s how she’s voted. That’s who she is.

Carol Caved

The Family Research Council has a video out on Carol Seiu-Porter and some details about her legislative shenanigans.    

Redistribution of wealth

The Obama disaster tour is on the road complaining about how the Republicans are going to cut education funding by 20%. First, let me clarify that federal education funding could get cut 100% and I’d start to feel better, but since 20% is what we have to work with let’s work with it.

Wrong Way


In the long and undistinguished line of left wing rubber stamps milling about the State House like zombies, you can find Kevin Hodges of Hillsborough 7, perhaps better known as Kevin "Awesome Cool" Hodges, among the undead.  Kevin garnered a small measure of fame after an encounter with a young lady in his district who took umbrage with his casual use of vulgar language and his insults of experienced Republican legislators. 

One editorial (and this blog post) later and Kevin was destined for a followup–so here it is.

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Left’s Got Nothing, So Let’s Take Out The Trash

Put this Congress Where It BelongsComparing 8/28 to 10/2 is a bit silly.  One was not meant to be political, the latter was entirely so.  8/28 inspired hundreds of thousands to share rides and come together in honor, One-Nation’s unions and CP activists paid for the buses that delivered their paltry numbers.  8/28 was a kind and caring event about thanks and personal reflection, 10/2 was a crowd of selfish, angry windbags looking to protect their free ride on the backs of the taxpayers, and to expand the totalitarian power of a huge central government. 

Not too many people seemed to want that.

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One Nation – Sick Lying Bastards

So the lying liberal progressive dirt bags who want to turn America into a socialist state are the same lying dirt bags who post pictures like this to give the impression that anyone actually gives a damn about their stupid cause.

Ovide at American Thinker

At this critical time, we must subordinate our personal self-interest to that of the greater good, which is to restore the power of people over government, to break the stranglehold of the special interests and the entitlement class over Congress, and to devolve power from Washington back to the states and the people. The unprincipled, self-serving actions of Murkowski and Crist threaten these important goals, and they must be rejected by Republican leaders and activists everywhere.

DSCC Ditching Hodes

I was hearing rumors that the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) was not going to dump any more money down the Hodes-hole.   Then I read a post by Fergus Cullen over at Red Hampshire in which he believes recent phone polling appears to be testing the waters as to whether or not Hodes has the necessary level of interest for continued support.  And I just received a text last night indicating that the DSCC appears to be ready to pull the plug.

Watching Hodes deny it will be worth the price of speculation.


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What Tax is Fair?

The Granite State Fair Tax folks are back trolling for a broad based tax on the idea that it is more fair?  Fair to whom?  That’s always the question but it never tries to address why we need a tax, and why we need to control how much of it the government can collect, or how easily they can grow it.

And back in May of 2010 I once again tried to make the case for property taxes as better way to control the flow of revenue into the government.  It may or may not be my most persuasive but it is my most recent.


May 25 2010 ‘Why Property Taxes’

I have argued at great length on why relying primarily on local property taxes is the best mechanism for keeping government small.  But no matter how often I bring it up someone always tries to make the point that it’s not fair.  Why should the people who actually own the physical land in the state have to bear the burden of the costs associated with the governance of that land and the people who live on it? (That’s not exactly how they say it, I’m just translating it into common sense.) 

I happen to think that question answers itself, and as I’ve stated before should act as a necessary mechanism for filtering out unnecessary spending and over aggressive revenue seeking by busy bodies at every level of government.  Yet I am still confronted with the issue of New Hampshire’s unfair property tax burden–to which I now respond, what burden?

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Jan Schakowski 2.0

Following on the heels of Skip’s post about Jan Schakowsky, we should ad this additional bit of truth telling.  Schakowsky is one of Carol Seiu-Porters supporters, one of more than a dozen congressman who are also listed as American Socialists.  Together they have donated at least $36,000.00 dollars to Carol Seiu-Porter this year alone. They … Read more

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