Socialists Are Bad For The Environment

Socialist Pigs.  No, literally--these people are slobsPick and environment and socialists will ruin it, even the green socialists.  Case in point; the mess the left after their little gathering in DC.   They left trash everywhere with the obvious expectation that someone else will come along and clean up their mess.

That’s what they do to everything.  Mess it up.  Marooned In Marin has collected all the goods including some Tea Party Hate,  the strong socialist presence, and assorted other gooides.

And then on the jump, there’s a nice video of socialists chanting about how they are socialists.  

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Fall From Grace

Just becasue..  

Now That’s Progress(ivism)

Capital Briefs in this weeks edition of Human Events, reminds us that it took over 200 years for the US government to accumulate a national debt of 2.19 Trillion. Mr Obama exceeded that sum in just 19 months by adding another 2.56 Trillion to the national debt….and neither Paul Hodes, nor Carol SEIU-Porter, did anything … Read more

Is Carol Coming Out Of The Commie Closet?

In Carol Seiu-Porter’s last debate she emphasized her commitment to government as a source for solutions and inferred that people who object to that position are just way out there, you know, extremists.

Something Different

Man can not live on politics alone. Sometimes you need something different. This would be that. It is a cat, playing I-Spy. H/T April Swindle– NewsReel Blog

Will Buckley come Out Against Horrigan?

So I wonder what Ray Buckley thinks about Tim Horrigan changing his mind?   Mr. Horrigan found himself stuck in the event horizon of Keith Halloran’s "dead Palin" remarks in early August and in a fit of malaise swore off the House and resigned his position.  While I implied that would hardly last, (and I … Read more

The Lynch Budget Lie

Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory 

A balanced budget is a technical term for making the numbers add up.  The amount you say you have to spend simply matches what you claim to have spent.  So if you borrowed some millions that you would later have to pay back, and you found a few hundred million more on the sidewalk (maybe in Washington DC), if it added up far enough to cover how much you spent, you could claim to have a balanced budget.

The difference is that being at zero, and owing tens of millions you never had is not balanced.  Add to that the reality that you now have a larger bill to pay every year but can’t expect to just find a few hundred million laying around every year, and you have what is called a structural deficit.  Your political lifestyle vastly exceeds your expected revenue.  Call it a state wide mortgage that exceeds our ability to pay it by hundreds of millions annually.

This is called incompetent.  It is also the Lynch budget.  And even though an account or two may have pulled in more revenue than expected, there is still a massive debt due in the next budget, created by democrats, and signed off on by John Lynch, with no money to pay for it..

Why else proceed in contradiction to the supreme court, on the politically poisonous path of robbing $110 million in private property unless you really need that 110 million to start stuffing the sink hole of a massive structural deficit.  And even if you get this one time money, where’s the line of suckers you plan to screw after you are done with them?

If we had a real surplus they wouldn’t need to rob the JUA fund.  They would drop the idea of selling off 60 million in state land.  In fact, they’d stop all the hand-wringing about the budget.  They have not.  The deficit is real.  And the democrats are to blame, and John Lynch and it is one more reason why John Lynch has been the governor for too long.


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Finally, Someone put this in an Ad

I’ve been saying this for how long?  Now I get to see it in a political ad.  Sweet.   H/T to Matt at Red Hampshire

Number Poems

I neglected to share this, but on the first day of school this year my 5th grader’s first homework assignment in math was a math poem. Using numbers in a poem. That was the Math homework that day. Use numbers….to make a poem.

John ‘Job Destroyer’ Lynch ….Bad for New Hampshire

So John Lynch didn’t create a better job situation, he simply scared off enough people to make the absence of almost 11,000 jobs look like an improvement. 5.8% is better than 6.6% right? Tell that to the 11,000 people who lost their jobs or the thousands more who gave up on John Lynch’s New Hampshire.

Another New Hampshire Myth Busted!

Thirty nine democrats voted with republicans to hold off the adjournment, but the vote fell short, leaving the tax hikes on the books as the House leaves to defend two years of excessive spending, massive debt, the democrats unpopular health care plan, the failure to utilize Pay-Go as promised, the inability to even try and form a budget, repeated ethical lapses by liberal law makers, and a host of other ills that have driven their approval rating to historical lows.


The Reverend speaks the truth. Too bad the liberal hypocrites won’t admit to any of it. H/T Big Journalism

Coffee Party Needs More Prunes.

Apparently the post Tea Party, can’t we all just get along, moderate, reaching across the aisle movement had its big national Coffee Party Convention this weekend.

… (?)

Yeah, that’s what I said.

Hot Air has some actual video of a room (posted here on the jump) with a few people in it.  Looks like the seniors got lost on the way to the all expenses paid time-share weekend seminar, or maybe a bus or two missed Foxwoods and just kept going?  Like I said.  Big….national….convention. Big…..convention.


350 people showed up.

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Article IV, Section 4

The United States Shall Guarantee to every state in the union a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application for the Legislature, or the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

John Lynch – Job Destroyer

Governor Lynch and the left-o-crats are guilty of false advertising.  He (and they) have framed John Lynch as a man who is good for the state, and a shining example of how best to ride out a recession.  To support this claim they point to the states better than average unemployment rate, which while lower … Read more

Not A Good Sign For Carol SEIU-Porter

  Can’t Carol find five people to show up to support her that at least drive a New Hampshire rental?  That can’t be a good sign. Notice the Carol Shea Porter signs in the back and the NY tags?  This was driven by one of the five or six CSP debate boosters who showed up … Read more

Just Another Load Of Bull from Buckley [updated 2.0]

The NH GOP had a convention Saturday to get all rah-rah and make decisions about the party platform.  They were hoping for at least 400 of the states 725 delegates but only 294 delegates made the event. That is not unusual but there are some who think it is in indicative of waning in enthusiasm. … Read more

Tax Cuts For The “Insert name here”

Don’t expect ShaHodeSheaPorter to wrestle with this conundrum; while running for office in 2008 they insisted that the Bush Tax cuts were "for the rich," or "the wealthiest Americans."  The class warfare rhetoric made the case that Republicans didn’t provide tax relief for anyone else, and the democrats promised to remedy this the moment they were elected.  The result was to embark on a multi-trillion dollar spending binge that cannot possibly be paid for without taxes on everyone and everything–though they still insist otherwise.

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Passing Thought

If Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell’s teenage brush with witchcraft had included human sacrifices (up to and including third trimester and born alive infants who somehow survived the sacrificial antics) would the left be remotely interested in this issue at all?  And Would EMILY’s list have to give her a campaign contribution? Just wondering.

The Real Racists

The Democrats are so desperate that they have decided that the best way to win is to call up residents and tell them that the local Republican candidates are racists.  Racism is not the only charge but we don’t need them because we can work with what we have. The standard rule when dealing with … Read more

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