Carol Shea-Porter Isn’t In The Middle Class

Shea-Porter is RichCarol Shea-Porter is earning over 170,000.00 dollars per year as a member of the US House.  (That’s $120,000.00 more per year than the national average for the rest of us.) Her husband, whose income remains a mystery–perfectly legal as I understand it–has an extensive military background (for which he deserves our thanks) and appears to be employed by the government as well.  So it is safe to say that he’s making good money. In fact, odds are good he is making twice as much as his private sector counterpart.

Is he making $80,000.00 per year or more?  I bet he is.  And if he is, by the left wings definition, the Shea-Porters are rich, and therefore not eligible for the distinction of "being part of the middle class."  And until such time as we know for certain, it is safe to assume that every time someone in the Shea-Porter campaign claims she is just part of the middle class, including Carol, they are lying to you.


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Lynch Updates

Swing on over to to check out some of the most recent ‘lies.’  There’s a new one posted that is near and dear to my heart.  (I’ve been talking about it for years) It reminds us that John Lynch’s support of RGGI is a broad based tax that has sucked 25 million dollars out … Read more

Did Ray ‘Fidel’ Buckley Blow It?

Just to make sure everyone knows that Ray Buckley had a hand in the creation of what appears to be one of the best Republican get out the vote and campaign motivators to come along in recent weeks, here’s his stamp of approval.  (We’re talking about the Extreme 16 Web site by the way)

(On the jump)

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Sign Of The Times

Bob Nickerson of Sandown had a campaign sign confiscated. It was a Carol Shea-Porter sign he had modified himself to say “Dump Shea-Porter Out Of Congress, Nancy Pelosi’s Lap Dog.” His first mistake seems to have been sending the Seiu-Porter campaign a picture of it. The campaign notified local police based on a state law that prohibits defacing campaign signs, and at the end of it all Bob lost his sign.

How Does Carol Pay The Bills

The Nashua Telegraph went to a bit of trouble to post candidate financial reports, so even though I’d already reviewed a few myself I figured they deserved another look. One thing in particular stood out to me… …Carol Shea Porter lists no savings or checking accounts, not for her, not for her spouse–whose income as an IRS … Read more

Carol’s Dirty Foreign Money

Carol Seiu-Porter gets her share of funding from unions with an international presence, but a new group has risen abruptly to the top of her donor list and it’s not a Union.  J Street PAC, a self proclaimed pro-Israel group, has produced donors to Carol to the tune of $16,500.00, and endorsed her as well.

J Street is self-proclaimed for several reasons.  They show their "support" for Israel by fighting sanctions against Iran and Hamas.  Their idea of peace is to lobby against Isreal’s right to self defense when attacked; as in, firing back prevents peace, just sit there and take it.  And J Street has been heavily funded by the anti-Israeli Soros family fortune, and other generous foreign donors including prominent Arab’s, their representatives, attaches, consultants, and hangers-on.

They do have US donors, but the democrats have made it clear that this no longer matters, nor does any existing regulation to separate foreign and domestic donations.

Using their rules Carol just took another $16,000.00 in "foreign contributions" for her "local election."  Contributions from people who it can be argued, don’t care all that much for our ally Israel.

Some more links on the jump.


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Fiskal Konservative

…a diarist from the Daily KoS, expects you to believe that he is actually been undercover, hiding so far up under the left wing, that he would be permitted to keep and maintain a diary at the Daily KoS.

Ten Minutes Of Your Day

Courtesy of Dave Carney on Facebook.  Ten minutes with Bob McEwen, who does an exemplary job of boiling down the differences between people who want and need big government, and those who do not.    

Hodes’ Foreign Money

But since the democrats are actually getting more foreign money than Republicans already, (here) would it matter if Paul Hodes had taken money from PAC’s with foreign donors directly into his campaign? He’d be spending it right here in New Hampshire to, how did he phrase it? affect local elections.

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on US

Michael Totten at PJM points us to an article by Barry Rubin at Global Research in International Affairs in which Rubin alerts us that the newly elected leader of the Muslim Brotherhood has just endorsed a full blown Anti-American Jihad. Rubin explains the serious business that this is, with all the relevant consideration, but sums … Read more

Not Even A Passable Fraud

Matt has a nice post up at Red Hampshire revealing the disconnect between reality and the fantasy of Paul Hodes.  He provides us with a mid-debate tweet from the Hodes campaign…


Credit: Red Hampshire


…and then offers us the evidence that Hodes is lying about it by posting the AFT press release refuting Hodes.

This is all fine for what it is worth.   But what interests me more is that this tweet contradicts his own campaign focus and reveals the fundamental flaws of a liberal democrat like Paul Hodes.  These are not the words of any fiscal conservative I know.

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One More Reason Why Buckley Will Lose New Hampshire

One of the liberals bulwarks, call them the dingbat cavalry, are out of state college students. For years they have been instructed to vote where it counts. Looking across the landscape of 2010, no one is safe, every race counts.

Happy Thanksgiving eh?

In recognition of finding the Bahama’s, public service union employees all across the fruited plain, get a paid day off. I’m not sure we need to “explore” this any further to get to the nexus of thought on the why’s and what for’s in this decision making process.

Hodespocrisy –‘Chamber Of Commerce’ Edition

Uh....Paul Hodes gets an ‘A+’ for toeing the Pelosi/Obama Party line, and a least an ‘A’ for recycling the party talking points.  For example, Barack Obama has been wandering around claiming the Chamber of Commerce is using foreign money to affect local elections.  Paul Hodes has been wandering around New Hampshire saying the exact same thing.


“Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations,” Mr. Obama said. “So groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections.”


Hodes-From Roll Call

 “It could very well be that foreign money’s coming in to try to trample the voice of democracy,” Hodes said. “That’s a sad state of affairs.”



"… there are reports that the Chamber of Commerce is using money from foreign companies to influence New Hampshire elections."

I asked Hodes Lie-deflector Mark Bergman to show us the reports.  I guess Mark isn’t reading my blog, or he simply has no proof, but I know why he has no proof. 

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Hey Hodes Campaign- Choke On This!

Since it’s so darn important, just how much money from entities who have donors with foreign interests has poured into US political campaigns in 2010? Here’s an appetizer of a hint.  I bet neither Paul Hodes nor his media puppet Mark Bergman bothered to look before Mister "independent voice" just read it off the DNC … Read more

How To Win With Tax Hikes

Heritage for America

Destroying The Future Of America

Image Credit: Mattox Firearms school.comDemocrats continue to insist that they created jobs.  To do this they extracted trillions from our economic future in an effort to create jobs that did not yet exist–that perhaps were  not needed yet.  Looking at similar exercises, cash for clunkers–which moved car sales forward a few months but has since resulted in a collapse in the market; the home mortgage bail outs, supports, credits, and the "home affordable" programs which improved home sales briefly but which have since collapsed (also to historic lows); and then there’s the stimulus, several public sector employee bailouts, bank lending infusions, small business bills, and everything in between including health care reform–many trillions spent, all made with claims that they would create, save, or incentivize job creation.

Lets concede the possibility that some jobs were saved or created with money from the future.  Let’s also, for academic purposes,  concede the number of 1.4 million-3.3 million jobs saved or created ( quote from Paul Hodes campaign if that matters).  What happens now?  Even if we can agree to these figures the mathematical reality is that despite these efforts, and at great expense, we still lost more jobs than we saved or created.  Millions are still unemployed with hundreds of thousands more people working less, working shorter hours, or who have given up looking altogether just in the 12 months since someone declared the recession over.  We got a net sum loss with the price of admission, and that debt is now looming over our ability to sustain or improve the job picture moving forward because of the Faustian fiscal political calculation the democrats made in what now appears to be a series of vote getting scams gone horribly wrong.

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The Only Possibility For A Jobless Recovery

To use my sinking ship analogy from last year, for every 1000 folks he’s got bailing out the ship that were not helping before, ten thousand have slowed down or stopped bailing altogether. Paint all the rosy pictures you like, the end result is that the same. Obama’s economic ship is sinking faster.

Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'EmI haven’t written a post about energy for almost a week so I’ll keep this one short.

Greene Shaheen, Carol CO2-Porter, and Paul ‘Carbon Credits’ Hodes, all support massive taxation on emissions because without them, we are doomed…doomed I tell you DOOMED!  So doomed that  Hodes and Porter at least, voted for a remedy that doesn’t do anything except make energy cost more while enriching energy companies, corporate farms, green energy companies in China, themselves, and the government.  But they insist it’s to save the earth.

Don’t be surprised, they are full of crap.

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Saturday Humor

Last Tuesday, President Obama got off the helicopter in front of The White House carrying a baby piglet under each arm.  The squared-away Marine guard snapped to attention, saluted and said: "Nice pigs, sir." The President replied, "These are not pigs. These are authentic, Arkansas Razorback Hogs.  I got one for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and I got one … Read more

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