Biden fascist dictator Wish dot com Instapundit

Notable Quote – What Ails the Soul of America? He’s Right, You Know

by Skip

Under what Power can a politician even have the HUBRIS to say they get to define what is our national soul?  Certainly, not Biden (emphasis mine): Last night, the same president who almost exactly a year ago disgracefully abandoned 14,000 Americans and tens of thousands of our allies to the Taliban decided to lecture the US on … Read more

words letters language

Don’t Use the Language of the Left

by Skip

Don’t use the language of the left. It just emboldens them and makes us lose: “Today, on the political left, we’re making up new norms all the time: calling people “Latinx,” announcing our pronouns, capitalizing ‘Black.’ “

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Biden WH hearts

Silenced Equals Speech – Division is Unity

Like any good puppet, Joe Biden is promoting the approved narratives. This time it is, giant platitude-bearing hearts littering the White House Lawn. Mz Biden is credited with the display. Unity, kindness, Love, Compassion. Have they heard of the Democrat majority Congress?

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Are You A Conservative Liberal Too?

In the beginning… Once upon a time I considered myself to be “liberal.” I hung posters in the neighborhood for John Kennedy. But slowly, over time, a realization dawned on me. I was liberal because my political and moral philosophy was based on freedom, the rule of law, property rights, respect for life and equal … Read more


So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s NH House Session (3/14)?

We learned that the Democrats (the majority party) are fine with expanding dental coverage for Medicaid recipients (HB692-FN) while our State’s veterans, both able body and disabled, go without such coverage. We learned that the Majority party is only interested in studying assisted suicide instead of enlarging the scope to include palliative and hospice alternatives … Read more

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