What America Represents … Facing the End

What America represents is the freedom and opportunity to which all people should aspire. America is the nobility of our accomplishments in history. How far we have come from small groups in wooden boats.

We should have the need to defeat anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-freedom ideologies. America is the bastion of western civilization. Our enemies are Marxism, Socialism, Communism and Islam.

It is time for us to boldly defend our constitution and way of life. The choice before us is stark. Are we going to remain American and support limited government? Have we so weakened we will embrace socialist tyranny? Are we willing to trade our freedom for security and promises of free stuff?

It is time to return the freedom of religion? Are we going to keep government out of our religious practice? Or. Are we going to accept government-mandated secularism? Isn’t government-mandated secularism a substitution of state for religion?

It is time to decide

What America represents is the freedom and opportunity all people should aspire to. America is the nobility of our accomplishments in history. It is time to return to freedom of conscience. We must refuse the surge for the criminalization of Christianity. We must not force people of conscience to violate their closely held beliefs in the name of societal homogeneity. The LGBTQ agenda is as intolerant as it is indefensible.

It is time to return to being a nation respecting life. We must throw off the enforcement of the cold, anti-human culture of convenience.  A fetus is a human life. All human life is dear to us all. That is as it should be. The time for deciding is before conception, not after. Why are we accepting cancellation of babies? They are human and need us to be their voice.

It is time to return to a thriving economy. We must avoid the top-down, centralized system punishing initiative and spreading poverty. Capitalism serves customers, people like us, in our communities. It allows people choice while fostering opportunity for all. It decentralizes power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It is time to return to being an energy-independent America. We need not submit the becoming a nation shackled by extreme environmentalist schemes.  Gone are the days of long gas lines. Gone are the days of high energy prices. We have a choice of way of life. Americans can choose self sufficiency, self discipline, and small government. We need to do so… NOW.

It is time to stand

What America represents is the freedom and opportunity all people should aspire to. America is the nobility of our accomplishments in history. It is time to be a country that respects the Second Amendment. We must not disarm. Americans are not victims and we need to retain our ability to throw off a tyrannical government. We must not allow the disarming of the American people.

It is time to select judges who abide by the Constitution. The constitution is in place. It is not a living thing. The U.S. Constitution is the structure of our nation and our society. It is the skeleton of our way of life. We cannot give power to those who make up laws to fit their views. We threw off the King to end that practice.

America has been moving away from our founding principles for decades. We are a self-governing republic anchored by God, family and free enterprise. The Left has been nudging us towards a totalitarian society. This election they are demanding your buy in to their totalitarian ideology. They are running a well known dementia patient for president.

We deserve some strong enough to lead us and disciplined enough to not be dictatorial. There is no one on the Left that can do this. Today’s democrat party is controlled by Anarchists, Antifa, BLM and Islamists. There isn’t an ounce of support for freedom, life or personal property in all of them. The must be voted out because of the damage they intend.

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