Brilliant! Team Trump Twitter Video Takes Nancy and Her Speech Tearing Antics to the Wood Shed

My first take on the State of the Union was that Nancy screwed up. Tearing up the speech was terrible optics. A speech loaded with good news (in particular) for women and minorities. Pelosi tore it up and team Trump is making Democrats pay a price.

Related: Great News for Minorities – And Then Nancy Ripped it up in Front of them and the World

The message is that Democrats – Pelosi is their majority leader – don’t care about blacks, Hispanics., women, veterans, or their families. The Democrat caucus affirmed that throughout the speech by refusing to stand or clap for great people or great improvements to their lives. Team Trump is on it.

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Then ask your local Democrats how they feel about this? Let us know what they say.

| RealDonaldTrumpTwitter

Note: the UK Telegraph Reports that Both Facebook and Twitter have refused to take the video down (and Democrats are furious!)

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