SCOTUS Says CA Law Forcing Pro-Life Facilities to Promote Abortion is Compelled Speech

California passed a law that forced licensed non-profit pro-life groups to include information about abortion services on their premises. Today the Supreme court ruled in NIFLA v. Becerra that this creates a burden on protected speech. It imposes a government-scripted, speaker-based disclosure requirement that is wholly disconnected from the State’s informational interest. It requires covered facilities to … Read more

A Classic Case of Compelled Speech by Local Government

The Chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers explains the how, what, where, and why of a clear-cut case of compelled speech by local government officials in New Hampshire. Learn what to look for and what to do when it happens in your town. Visit the original blog post for more ways to listen.

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Preaching the Christian Gospel in Public Labeled Hate Speech

The war on Judeo-Christian faith, like the war on families and marriage, is about knocking down barriers to Marxism. I articulated it well enough here, so I won’t repeat those points. But they apply to this topic. A pastor has been charged with hate speech for preaching near homosexuals.

Free Speech on Campus In Our Lifetime? Not If They Can Help It.

I stumbled across an article by Fred Lucas titled, “Supreme Court decisions could curb campus censorship.” Lucas shares some insights into recent court decisions that might reach their tendrils into the collection and use of student activity fees and the relationship between those expenditures and viewpoint discrimination. Fingers crossed but every path leading to that goal will … Read more

Disturbing UNH Campus Climate Report Never Mentions Free Speech

Last September, the University System of New Hampshire released a preliminary report on Campus Climate. Its purpose was to institutionalize the bunching of panties after students wearing sombreros and fake mustaches at a Cinco de Mayo party on campus rustled some social justice jimmies. The report began the long process of navel-gazing over Kampus Klimate and the Komplexities of what … Read more