President Trump Warned America About Coronavirus in the Speech Pelosi Tore Up

First, credit where it is due. My title is the title of this piece at Milne There is simply no better way to describe it. In his State of the Union Address, Mr. Trump was clear when he said,My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”

Related:  April 1 Coronavirus: The Murray Model vs. The Actual Numbers for New Hampshire

Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China. My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.

Nancy Pelosi, the de facto figurehead of her party, tore those remarks up to much applause and at-a-girls from Democrats and the media. And now, two months after that, Pelosi, Schiff, and company are vocally calling for yet another investigation into the President. This time over the response which Pelosi dismissed when she tore up her copy of his speech. 

She was not along. In classic fashion, the Democrat media, among others, took Trump’s early warnings as an opportunity to do and say the opposite.

Media downplays coronavirus cuz trump

Before the SOTU the Coronavirus Taskforce was already assembled and working. The same week Trump gave the SOTU speech he ordered travel restricted to the US from China. 

His reward for this sort of pre-emptive action was to be called a racist for blocking travel from Asia and a sexist for assembling a task force of all white men; even though it included prominent women and persons of color. The lie incensed the left as they obsessed over it, not the reason the task force was created. Except perhaps to continue to underplay the potential risks.

Airport screenings got underway, and resources were being marshaled. The President eventually suspended travel from Europe in early March, the same day Democrat mayor Bill de Blasio was still telling New Yorkers to go about their business as usual. A nod to Pelosi’s similar remarks regarding Chinese New Year.

New York City is now a viral hot spot with more cases than anywhere else in the country. A problem they are pinning on Trump even though Democrats are the single-source cause of that local problem. One that has caused the virus to spread elsewhere as New Yorkers escaped around the country, carrying the Wuhan Flu with them.

And while Gov. Cuomo has been whining about ventilators, it turns out he’s got a stockpile of them. Why? Because they don’t need them all yet. Don’t need them yet? Does that mean the problems in the Big Apple are not anywhere near what the media would like us to believe? As if the media would lie to make Trump look bad?

Well, you can watch this video for some perspective. Citizen journalists ask first responders what’s up. And remember, so fat, Trump’s approval has improved, just like when the Democrats in Congress were obsessing over Impeachment in mid-January. While Trump was watching what was going on in China.

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