Silenced Equals Speech – Division is Unity

Like any good puppet, Joe Biden is promoting the approved narratives. This time it is, giant platitude-bearing hearts littering the White House Lawn. Mz Biden is credited with the display. Unity, kindness, Love, Compassion. Have they heard of the Democrat majority Congress?

Related: When Your Revolution Comes for You – Will You Miss Me Then?

Do they watch the TV news?

Are they familiar with Cancel Culture?

With this project or that group compiling lists that should make critics of Joe McCarthy blush.

Giant hearts.

Are they supposed to make me feel better about New Hampshire Legislators like Wendy Thomas (running for re-election in a special election) cosponsoring legislation designed to suppress and silence opposing political speech?

Small potatoes compared to Big Tech and the Swamprats.

I am guilty of crimes committed by other people’s ancestors even though my family fled Scotland rather than live as slaves under a tyrant.

I am judged by the color of my skin. MLK would not be proud.

Speaking freely about issues or candidates – expressing an opinion on matters of the day – could make my family or me a target of abuse or violence (we do it anyway).

Giant Hearts.

No one expects Joe Biden to have any connection to reality. He’s probably giddy about being allowed to sit in Obama’s chair and use his phone and pens. Are you sure Barry said it was okay, and does this mean I’ll get a peace prize? (They gave one to Arafat. “Violence is Peace.”)

And while the media was happy to take pictures for the writing (righting) of the historical record – Dear leader loves his people – the reality is something else.

We’re on the cusp of a truly Orwellian world. Where Division is unity and being silenced equals “free speech.”

You are born a racist if you are white and a heathen if you have faith in anything but government.

Giant hearts.

Actual human hearts on the white house lawn might have been more appropriate, but Dr. Jill Biden isn’t that sort of doctor.


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