Dennis Acton - Image Actons Facebook Page

RINO Report: Dennis Acton

Fremont has a 2 for 1 primary. Emily Phillips is a newcomer, and Dennis Acton is a RINO. Acton is not quite as bad as some of the other RINOs, But Phillips could hardly be as bad and likely would be much better.

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David Bickfrod Image Credit Citizens Count NH

RINO Report: David Bickford

Strafford county district 3 (New Durham, Middleton) has a 2 for 1 primary. Mackenzie Brisson is a promising newcomer who could be great. (More info here: David Bickford is a multi-term RINO who might be hoping that people have forgotten about his terrible voting record.

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RINO (when you elect) - notice j

RINO Report: Betty Gay

Salem has a 13 for 9 primary, the second largest (after Derry) of all towns. Sadly not a single one of the candidates has an excellent voting record. Four have records that are average, neither bad nor good. One has a mediocre-poor record, and one has a terrible record.

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Town of Derry NH Seal

RINO Report: Tom Cardon and Brenda Willis

Derry has a 16 for 10 primary, the largest in the state. Its candidates run the gamut from extreme RINO, mediocre, excellent, to unknown. The latter may or may not be well known in the community, but they are unknown in the sense of not having voting records. And the RINO Report is based on voting records.

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Tejasinha Sivalingam

“What Are You, and Why Are You with Us?”

Being pro-life, pro-second amendment, and a vaccine pro-informed consent the Democrats were uneasy with me being a Democrat. Now, Republicans hold the same question and unease; “What are you, and why are you with us?”. “You must be a FedPoser or a leftist agitator”! False!

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Momentary Republicans

Existing New Hampshire election law allows for anyone who has registered as “Undeclared” for their political party, sometimes called “independent” in other states, to request on primary election day a ballot to vote in a Republican party primary.

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