NH’s Red Wave – Republicans Say they Have Also Flipped the NH House [Update]

As reported earlier this morning, the Federal elections went wrong in the Granite State, but New Hampshire Republicans did very well in local elections. While still unconfirmed, we flipped the Executive Council and State Senate, and it looks like the NH House as well.

Related: Too Much Blue But Some (Very!) Good News at the State Level in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Democrats ran on a sketchy tax shell game while trying to claim Republicans raised your taxes. That backfired.


NH Red House Majority

A complete rejection of New Hampshire Democrat priorities at the state level, assuming these numbers hold up.

And it’s more embarrassing than that. Democrat President Donna Soucy – the voice of the Left’s dumb-ass agenda in the New Hampshire Senate, is losing to our buddy George Lambert. If that holds up, it would be a serious blow to the NH Dems statewide messaging and priorities.

Update: With 100% in Soucy has come back and won the Sente Dit. 18 Seat.

You lost, and your leadership was pushed out as well. No, Democrat Steve Shurtleff won his House race, so not a total left-wing leadership wipe-out, but he will no longer be speaker, which is an extremely critical post if we have the majorities as claimed.

Not that it won’t change a damn thing on the Left. They’ll keep milking their sick cow until they can creep back into power and destroy the state.

To make that danger less dangerous Republican majorities need to move New Hampshire toward liberty in the two years they have.

Do what the Dems do. Push our agenda as hard and as far as you can while you have a Republican Governor (whom I’m betting will challenge Maggie Hassen for the US Senate in two years).

This means you need to lower taxes further, peel back more burdensome regulation, roll back some of the crazy licensing requirements, and make moves that make it harder to destroy the New Hampshire advantage if and when we see the majority shift again.

Again, assuming these numbers hold up. If not, we’ll be back to take another look. If so, we’ll be putting the microscope on the Republicans again. They love that.

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