Actually, It Was Sherm Packard Who Scrapped the Pro-Life Bills

Ed Mosca

Just a quick comment or two on Steve’s post exposing RINO Ned Gordon:

You guessed it. Ned Gorden was the sole Republican to vote against all of these bills. If Ned voted for them, all four bills advance to the House Floor as “Ought to Pass” by an 11-10 committee vote. …

Every vote in support was a Republican. Only Ned Gordon (R) voted no.

And here’s the kicker: Gordon is the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

If you have even a little familiarity with New Hampshire politics, you know that Ned Gordon is a RINO and an abortion extremist. It was entirely predictable that Gordon would vote with the Democrats to maintain New Hampshire’s disgusting and reprehensible abortion-at-any-time-for-any-reason status.

The real blame for the failure of these bills in committee rests with Speaker Sherm Packard who not only appointed Gordon to the judiciary committee, but made him the Chairman:

29.  Composition; appointment.  …  The appointments to committees for the majority party shall be made by the Speaker and appointments to committees for the minority party shall be made by the Speaker with the advice of the duly appointed minority party leader.

33.  Designating the chairman.  The first-named member of any committee appointed by the Speaker shall be chairman; and in case of the chairman’s absence or being excused by the House, the next-named member shall be chairman, and so on, as often as the case may happen, unless otherwise ordered by the Speaker.

Packard is either a closet pro-abortion zealot or a complete idiot.

Another comment. I am sure that New Hampshire’s Sun-King aka Governor Sununu was thrilled by the failure of these bills in committee and is rooting for them to fail on the floor. The last thing the Sun-King wants is to have to actually take acton (either for or against) in regards to New Hampshire’s disgusting and reprehensible abortion-at-any-time-for-any-reason status. Can’t risk angering either the abortion-zealots at WMUR, NHPR, etc. or pro-life Republicans.. It’s all about the poll numbers, you know. Got to try to be all things to all people.


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