Live (Probably) From the HCRC Flag Day Picnic [Updated]

[Update 2] Still…nothing works, well–my laptop works. But we’ve got video. [Update] Nothing works…but I’m still trying to make it happen. Well….This is something of an experiment.   Let’s call it GrokTalk channel 2.  And if it works we’ll be Starting at 11:45 (ish). We will attempt to broadcast audio only today from the Hillsborough County … Read more

So what did Union Leader’s Ted Seifer wish to accomplish with this line?

by Skip

Filling a vacancy on any Supreme Court–be it the US Supremes or the NH Supremes–is a big deal, so it is no surprise that people are talking and reporting on it (as we have here, here, and here).  So did the Union Leader;  Ted Seifer interviewed Tim, asking him about the NHLRF‘s position on Gov. John Lynch’s nominee for the NH Supreme Court, Jim Basssett.   Having gotten the link from a friend I decided to read the piece and this caught my eye:

Condon, its current chairman, is a Grafton attorney who has been active in the Free State movement.

Factually true, but what does the Free State Project connection have to do with the NH Constitutional basis that forms the basis for the NHLRF activities?

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Spec Bowers – Silly Editorial About O’Brien

(Excellent editorial by State Rep Spec Bowers to the Concord Monitor. Copied from Spec’s Facebook page)

Spec Bowers Spec Bowers Op Ed;  Silly Editorial About O’Brien

The Monitor’s April 5 editorial about House Speaker Bill O’Brien is one of the sillier ones of the last year and a half. It reminds me of the old legal adage, “When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. When the law is on your side, pound the law. When neither is on your side, pound the table.”

The Democrats – with the Monitor following closely behind – have not had good arguments on their side for the last year and a half, so they have chosen to pound O’Brien.

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California vs. New Hampshire…

New Hampshire wins, hands-down. This is part of a letter to the editor in today’s Wall Street Journal from California resident Ken Broad: “California is quickly becoming a fiscal death star. Good weather is not enough. As former Reagan economic adviser Arthur Laffer highlights in his new book, ‘If a pleasant climate was the determinant … Read more

On Tuesday, we must Unite or Die. Think about it.

UNITE OR DIE. Our choice. The GOP primary election is in four days. We unite behind one conservative candidate or lose when non-conservative Romney takes it. This from Jeff Kuhner at The Washington Times: “The White House is popping champagne corks. President Obama got what he wanted from the Iowa caucus: a fractured Republican Party … Read more

Wednesday Morning Coffee – Ron Paul Third in Iowa

Dr. Paul wins third place in IowaAn “ends justifies the means” approach to a Republican primary is how ‘Republicans’ for Ron Paul justify begging Democrats to register as Republicans or independents so they can screw with the results of the GOP Primary to their candidates advantage.

In Iowa, assuming it worked, this netted Congressman Paul a decent third place showing.  We are left to wonder what the numbers would be without the interlopers, but it seems certain Ron Paul owns third place by a wide margin.  In Iowa that is as reasonable a launching pad for the Oval office as first, second, or fourth.

Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, where a near-majority of voters register as independents,  Dr. Paul should expect to do better.  But if he can’t there is no reason to believe he will find improvements in South Carolina or Florida.  Failing to win New Hampshire is by no means fatal, but if he can’t pull out a first or second here, the odds of doing it anywhere else dim considerably despite his otherwise outstanding campaign mechanics.

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Jesus and the Democrat


Jesus in a Coffee shopA Republican, in a wheelchair, entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. The Republican looked across the restaurant and asked, “Is that Jesus sitting over there?” The waitress nodded “yes,” so the Republican requested that she give Jesus a cup of coffee, on him.

… The next patron to come in was a Libertarian, with a hunched back. He shuffled over to a booth, painfully sat down, and asked the waitress for a cup of hot tea. He also glanced across the restaurant and asked, “Is that Jesus, over there?” The waitress nodded, so the Libertarian asked her to give Jesus a cup of hot tea, “My treat.”

The third patron to come into the restaurant was a Democrat on crutches.

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How Did Your NH House Republican Rank In 2011?

NHHRA Banner

The New Hampshire House Republican Alliance has released its July 2011 score card for the entire first session of the Republican House majority. NHHRA Score Card PDF  file. 

I’ve culled my reps from the list (Hills 19) below.  I’ve also generated a list of the Republican bottom feeders for 2011.  These are what we would call RINOs, moderate democrats who could never survive the bullying from the left, or might never get elected if they admitted that they have little or no interest in supporting the Republican party platform.

They are folks who are incapable of finding the 80/20 rule, or to be more precise the 70/30 rule, and in one instance (Ken Gould) we have a (r)epublican who only voted against the party 70% of the time.

The NHCP (formerly the NHDP) will call this a purity list, which is amusing when you consider how they treat their moderates, but let me assure you that it is no such thing.  It is more like an intervention.  Many of these troubled souls are in denial.  Trapped in Republican leaning districts they are pretending to be something they are not.  I’m just helping them (and their constituents) to accept that they may be democrats, actual independent moderates, or just missing the boat often enough to get lumped in with people who have little or no interest in the goals of the party.

There’s nothing wrong with that.  But it’s time to come out of the closet and stop pretending.  To embrace your "independent" or democrat roots, and run as what you are instead of pretending to be something you are not.

Here is the Hills 19 list first (Merrimack).  For the list of bottom feeders, just follow the jump.


Last name First name County Dist % of Bills voted HRRA Score
Peterson Lynette Hillsborough 19 93% 99%
Notter Jeanine Hillsborough 19 97% 98%
Barry Richard Hillsborough 19 98% 94%
Hinch Richard Hillsborough 19 100% 92%
Pellegrino Tony Hillsborough 19 95% 90%
Christensen Chris Hillsborough 19 82% 86%
Stroud Kathleen Hillsborough 19 89% 83%
Thomas Joe Hillsborough 19 92% 83%


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Honey Puterbaugh for State Rep

Honey is a solid small government candidate who will do her best to keep the state off your back and out of your face. She will support realistic revenue projections, budgets that address real world needs instead of ideological wants. And as a homeschooler, she supports real choice in education.

Palin v. Elites

There are plenty of Republicans and Independents out there who have either gotten lazy and simply adopted the lefts narrative on Palin or who are actual snobby-right-wing elites protecting the moderate Republican power base. I’ve not much of a stomach for either. So if you feel like tossing out some of that left wing elitist narrative just be prepared to back it up.

Hillsborough 4 – You have Special Election Today

If you live in Hillsborough district 4 and you are reading this it means that you are probably not on your way to vote in your special election. Considering how much democrats would like to win a seat don’t you think you should get off your GOP backside and go vote for Peter Kucmas?

Boehner is not listening

by Don
The republican House leadership seems to too timid to actually do what they promised and defund Obamacare.  So, I sent a letter to the leadership telling them they are not doing job one.  
The most leverage they will ever have to take away funding is by tieing it to the continuing resolution.  They are letting a rule they created get in the way of ending Obamacare funding. 
If you are as concerned as I am, you may wish to write a letter as well as make some phone calls.  Perhaps my letter which I will put below will give you ideas.  If it helps in anyway, that is fine with me.  Yes, I cc’d Guinta.   
Following the letter will be the addresses.

March 11, 2011
Dear Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor, Congressman McCarthy, Congressman Price, and Congressman Sessions:

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Grant Bosse Drops Out…

I have been told by reliable sources that Grant Bosse is no longer seeking the position of RNC Committeeman. Whether true or not, and while Granite Grok has not yet formally endorsed a choice, I have already made an endorsement as co-director of the NHRVC, and I will do so now here for myself. Jordan … Read more

Maine Squeeze

Maine by degrees of Republican-ness

Maine has something of a bi-polar disorder.  They have purple US Republican senators, democrat congressman (still) and just elected a tea party-ish backed governor while handing their entire state legislature over to Republican control for the first time in about 30 years.

Why do that?

For all the why’s and what-fors that can be imagined, at the end of the day it is hard to ignore the pressure from on high.  Two years of high-profile democrat campaigning to advance what turned out to be a very unpopular progressive-national agenda, was felt most strongly in the places where voters felt they have the most control–local state house and state senate races.  It’s been true all across the country.

Moderate to democrat Maine, it seems is no different.  In a state that has let the left dominate state government for decades, Republicans successfully sold the need to be more state-centric and that resonated locally, perhaps to fend off the nationalization of local government from massive federal overreach.

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