Whitewash Islamism

Night Cap: Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism

Time and again, we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We are repeatedly lectured that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name. We are also informed that the … Read more

Islamic terrorisn definitions cartoon

ICYMI – Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamofascism

Time and again, we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We are repeatedly lectured that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name.

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Christmas Manger Star Geralt Pixabay Christmas-savior-birth-2874137 FI

Twas The Month Before Christmas…

Like a lot of times when I go looking for something here in the ‘Grok, other stuff keeps popping up. This was originally posted back in November 2009.  Putting aside some of the cultural references for now, the intent is still as valid today as it was back then.

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#Wokistan: Elementary School Cancels Halloween Parade in the Name of Equity and Inclusion

An elementary school has canceled its traditional Halloween parade because someone decided it marginalizes students of color. Yes, the Left’s high secular holiday is officially racist.

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Its a WOKE WORLD after all - YouTube screenshot

Sing Along! “It’s a Woke World, After All…”

Both funny and sad at the same time. The fact that somebody put a lot of time into creating and animating this woke version of Disney’s “It’s a Small World After All” (and the actual ride has been “evolved” to be more SJW/PC safe for the perpetually offended snowflakes) says a lot about our society.

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Halle Berry

Actors in Hollywood are no longer allowed to play “other” people?

Halle Berry recently had to recuse herself from playing a woman who thinks she’s a trans man because she is a normal woman. But she’s an actress. But she’s a woman. But the Left’s dogma says that would be oppressing gender dysphoric people by playing them.

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Safety of All Lives Matter

“The Safety of All Lives Matter” has just been Canceled

Sheesh – The Stupidity is strong with these people – along with Cultural Marxism derived thin skins (or a total lack of common sense courage to stand up to the Cancel movement). Reformatted, emphasis mine: The mayor and police chief of a Massachusetts city are apologizing to residents for a phrase seen on an electronic … Read more

Depression pain, drugs, pharmaceuticals

Government Stimulus checks lead to Rash of Overdoses in New Hampshire, Vermont

What did anyone THINK was going to happen when you give druggies unexpected money?  I don’t think this is the economy that needed to be “stimulated” (emphasis mine, reformatted):

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Christina Hoff Sommers

New Age Feminism – Female Chauvinism and Fainting Couches

The party that claims to empower women is systematically reducing them too fragile man-hating snowflakes. The sort that believes all sex is rape but need a safe space if someone tells a joke with a hint of sexual impropriety.

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Blogline of the Day: So how DO Progressives handle “cisspecies birds and bees”????

Progressive parents sit their kid down for a talk about the birds and the bees and the birds who want to become bees and the bees who identify as birds and buckle up, this might take a while. Click on the link – it is rather amusing. (H/T: Instapundit)

The Lakes Region Charter School Project

Are you satisfied with the public schools in the Lakes Region? Are you satisfied with the way our public schools are being run into the ground by our elected school board members, members of the staff at the SAUs, and the teacher unions? Are you satisfied with Political Correctness run amok in our public schools … Read more


“Julián Castro: ‘Oppression’ is Why I Do Not Speak Spanish”

And so it has started – the whining.  That’s what the Democrat belief in victimhood ideology brings. Endless complaints and all the who can be the reverse-holier-than-thou posturing and posing.  And guess what, kiddies?  We get to listen to this for the next almost year and a half!

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UPDATE: We know the name of that Keene State Professor Who Shamed Students…

We were alerted to a Professor at Keene State who felt entitled to shame her students for things that they cannot change: race and sex: Earlier this week, Keene State College students were given a handout from a Professor in a class about public health. The handout provided was supposed to cover the topic of, … Read more

Well, I guess we’ve joined a good club: Twitter has locked the GraniteGrok account

(the female’s voice on most GPS units): “You have arrived!“. Yes, we have. Yep, that PC gaggle of speech totalitarians decided that we’ve broken some kind of rule.  Frankly, I could care less – it seems every day a few dozen hundreds of Conservatives and Conservative sites get their Twitter accounts yanked so we’re in … Read more

Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D.

Notable Quote – former Deputy Assistant to the President, Sebastian Gorka

Gorka, speaking at the CPAC conference in National Harbor, Md., on Thursday, said the Democrats’ Green New Deal is: “a watermelon,” because it’s “green on the outside” and “deep, deep red communist on the inside. According to the amazing Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, they did a poll last year in which they found that 52 … Read more

Shoe on the other foot, politically correctness wise?

Steve was on top of the rather condescending ad by Gillette by admonishing men that we’re nothing but dirt.  Great way to enthuse your customer base – unless they’re trying to appeal to the Beta males created by Third Wave feminists. Heh! So here’s a parody of that ad (image/message ad only – not a … Read more

Palate Cleanser – I don’t care if you are pro/con feminism but the look on this feminist’s face….Heh!

First wave Feminism, second wave?  OK.  Third wave has all but turned into “women good, all men are bad” disaster.  Women are waking up to the notion that “You go girl…you can have it ALL” is both Falsehoodian and Unobtanium – just like it is for men. So while there is a lot of bad … Read more

Me? I’d stop at “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

But given these days where Social Justice Warriors just lay in wait for ANYthing to which they can slam someone to gutter and leave them to rot, I guess this is society they want: Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration … Read more

It’s come to this thanks to the #MeToo / PC movement

(H/T: Powerline)

New Hampshire’s Democrat Legislature – Old, White Males Need Not Apply … Except …

This, from the “Executive Director” of the New Hampshire Young Democrats: While it does not say “old, white male Gov’s” of course that’s what she means. Two points. One is that this is how today’s Democrats see the world (or as the second point shows want their foot-soldiers to see the world).  We are not … Read more

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