Live Free End the Lockdown

Governor Sununu is Wrong

This Saturday at noon there is a rally planned in front of the NH State House. The message is this. There is no sensible reason to force the entire state to endure a lockdown when the majority of cases are confined to two counties.

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Impeach Nancy Pelosi for crimes of Treason!

I’ve received several requests to share this. It is a petition to impeach Nancy Pelosi. Now, I think we know, that’s not going to happen. It takes significant pressure just to get Democrats to frown at the antics of their ideological peers. But this is out there.

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Ask a Stupid Question and Get…

… affirmation or a new frightening clarity.

Depending on one’s observational qualities, the vide clip below will either: A) affirm your belief that many of your fellow Americans are dangerously uninformed sheeple, too happy-go-banality to know that they’re in trouble and unable to do anything about it; or B) eradicate the blithe faith that you share for many of your fellow Americans,  pummeling it with raining anvils and bulldozers to reveal a newfound, disturbing clarity.

Okay there is a C):  There’s a the slim chance that a Grok reader would be one of the happy-go-banality variety who would actually sign the petition.  If you are, then expect no such revelation but more of a feeling of laughter and bewilderment at your expense.

For me, I fall in the affirmation camp.

So from the provincial pages of “This would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so true”, comes an offering from Mike Dice entitled “People Petition to Confiscate Guns From Tea Party Supporters and Repeal the Second Amendment.” 

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Adoption “Advocates” Have No Sense of Humor?

In the new Avengers movie, Thor is defending his brother Loki–the arch villain in the film–when he is reminded by Black Widow that Loki has killed 80 people in two days.  Thor replies, “he’s adopted.” I laughed.  The theater laughed.  It was funny. But not to Mara Parker from Trinidad, California.  She was offended and … Read more

Is The NH Dem Petition Against Baldasaro A Fraud?

If you missed it, a State party Democrat (David Robinson), speaking for a left wing Veterans group ( is part and parcel to an effort by the New Hampshire Democrat Party to petition House Speaker O’Brien to remove Republican Al Baldasaro as Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee. None of the reporting to date, other than here at GraniteGrok, has identified the group or Robinson as Democrat-backed or connected. But there’s news about the petition they plan to give to O’Brien.

If you go to, you can see the petition set up by the New Hampshire Democrat Party, but the list of signatories is not accessible just by visiting the petition page. One thing we do know however is that of the ten names we can see, seven of them are from out of state.

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