Once again, we may be seeing another instance of a “good ole boy” network deciding to use its muscle against an outside for some, as yet, unknown reason, or for some political reason. And between those two points that create a spectrum line, there may well be some truth. However, in all this, 2A Tactical and its founder, Bob Russell, is being put through the wringer
I’m doing this a bit backward in that the video is at the current end of a timeline that started a while ago under rather curious circumstances. For a really quick recap:
- Bob Russell served our country in the US Army – infantry (MOS 11B40)
- He became 100% disabled
- Came home, settled in Barrington, did all the right paperwork and steps, and started his one-man-band shop in his home (all properly approved).
- Having armorer skills, his work became known and he brought in some help to keep up with the inrush of work.
- Then did it a couple more times – all veterans getting honorable work, solid hours, at good pay.
And then someone powerful decided to make life miserable and because….? And that is the issue about not just his home based operation but also the new location with a custom building being put up to service his customers better. Most of us would think this is lemonade result when Life handed him lemons after his Army stint.
So what can someone do when you don’t like them? Shove them into an arena they have no experience in – Politics. Tie them up in regulatory/ordinance rig-a-ma-roles and make them spend money on lawyers they can’t afford to spend.
I’ve talked to Bob several times, a couple at length. I have an long, LONG document that I am going through and will be checking on as well; it will be posted as well in a bit.
To Be Continued…this is a story that needs attention and no one else in the NH Media is doing it.