Hillary takes-a-village-quote Parents have a Secondary role

“Remind Schools That Parents Are The Client”

Those standing in opposition to school choice fail to understand the reason parents decide to remove their kids from the public school system. It is not because these parents want to abuse their children in secret, it is not because they are helicopter parents, it is not because they desire to run and buy a … Read more

Michelle Tyler for Gilford School Board

Personal Endorsement: Michelle Tyler for Gilford School Board

I heartily endorse Michelle Tyler for one of the two open School Board seats in Gilford!  I’ve met with her on several occasions and listened to her during School Board meetings arguing that the Board MUST listen to Parents more and acknowledge that Parents are the ultimate authority when it comes to their children.

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Leah Kinyon via The Blaze via Amber Lyon

What a Teacher Thinks about Parents …

To be sure, there are still teachers in Government schools that still value the old(er) fashioned teaching profession values – educating but not indoctrinating, polite and not strident, and pleasant and not mouthing off.  Especially to her students about their parents!

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Schools as Institutional racism

Opposing School Choice Supports Systemic Racism

There was a time when the Democratic Party worked to prosper working people. Today, in New Hampshire and around the country, they oppose allowing tax dollars of working parents to follow their children to achieve the best possible educational environment for their children.

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Democrats – the children are OURS, not the Parents

This is one of my pet peeve issues.  Superindendent Kirk Beitler and the Gilford School Board are in the process of doing this right now with their Policy JBAB on “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students(implemented directly from the NH School Board Association who had this bucket of “Hating on Normal Parents” out there since 2008).  … Read more

But who needs a Dad when Government gives you permission to literally screw up!

Ugh.  Like I said,in order to have their political jones satisfied, Progressives / Socialists / Marxists / Communists have understood for decades that they have to unmoor the American public from their traditional values in order – and in this case, a most important – Parents authority and responsibility.  Here’s a quick story that chops at a number of those anchor points all at the same time.  From Philly.com via  The College Fix:

Students as young as 14 in Philadelphia will soon have access to unlimited free condoms, courtesy of the city government. And while parents will be able to “opt-out” by sending a letter to their child’s school, administrators have made it clear that they will not monitor or restrict access to the condoms, even for those students whose parents have signed “opt-out” letters.

In other words, if your child attends high school in Philadelphia, then the government has taken control of your 14-year-old’s access to birth control, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

And this is why I have said that Conservatives have got to get back into the schools – it is there that the cultural tide that is wrecking our nation and which we saw this last election has its fount.  So here is a policy, set by a democratically elected administration, that thinks it is just great to lie to the parents of the kid in their care. WHY bother to send the ‘opt-out’ form is it is only going to be thrown out and out-right ignored?

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