Video: Mom Eviscerates 2 California Teachers Accused of Coaching Her 12-Year-Old to Change Genders behind Her Back

by Skip

Lori Caldeira (LGBTQ club sponsor) and Kelly Baraki, both from Buena Vista Middle School, got caught at a conference relating how they were “grooming” kids to adopt their lifestyles (“…How California Teachers Recruit Kids Into LGBTQ Clubs“).

And just like SAU16-Exeter and SAU73-Gilford, whose Transgender and Non-Conforming Policies (that prohibit staff from revealing a child’s Transgender Status to their Parents!), the Mom of this 12-year-old would NOT have found out if it hadn’t been exposed from Caldeira’s and Baraki’s breakout session at that conference?

Reformatted and emphasis mine:

The family of a 12-year-old middle school student in Salinas, California, recently accused two teachers of secretly coaching the young girl’s gender transition behind their backs, according to videos posted online this week. During a Spreckels Union School District board meeting on Wednesday, the girl’s mother and grandfather sounded off on the district, alleging that school staff altered her name and pronouns without their consent and called Child Protective Services when they objected to her social transition.

The family said that teachers didn’t even notify them after finding out their daughter was suicidal. The girl’s mother, identified as Jessica Konen by the Epoch Times, alleged in her speech that her daughter’s clandestine transition occurred within an LGBTQ+ club at Buena Vista Middle School.


This is EXACTLY the Policy that the Gilford School Board has implemented – no notification by the school even if with a direct question. And for the record, no, the Policy doesn’t specifically call for staff to act as “facilitators” like these two teachers were doing, but the Policy does facilitate hiding that information from Parents.  And the kicker – the Mom is right – this IS Child Abuse:


“How could you even allow this?” she continued. “You allowed these teachers to open their classrooms teaching predatorial information to a young child … that doesn’t even know how to comprehend it all.”




But it was the MOM that had CPS (here in NH it would be DCYF) called on, not the teachers. Isn’t that simply quite the perversion of process in and of itself?

In an interview with Epoch Times prior to the school board meeting, Jessica Konen said her daughter was coaxed into joining the club when she was in sixth grade, where teachers began affirming bisexuality. By seventh grade, she was called into the school for a meeting with her daughter, a teacher, and the school principal.

There, the teacher informed her that her daughter was “trans fluid.”

Nice – do the damage to the child and then set up the Mom for a fall. This is the state of Government Schools nowadays?  More and more, it seems, the answer is yes.

There’s no question that the Education System skews heavily Left.  And the Left recognizes no level of deviancy or perversion as being “wrong” – it’s simply a “lifestyle choice” including that of feeling so entitled as to take away your child from you and use another part of Government to force it upon you Parents.  This is the America you want? Because of Progressives, it’s the one that’s being forced upon you.

There is a term out there to consider as well: ROGD. It stands for Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.  It seems that clusters of pre- and young teenagers, mostly girls, all of a sudden, are outing themselves as males and it happens in schools first. I’m told by a source that it is happening in the Gilford School System and I’ve heard reports of it happening all over NH.

Much of it could be attributed to social media usage. But how much of it is responsible for teachers like these two perverts that decided that THEY should determine the futures of and the lifestyles of the kids either in their classrooms or are being lured into these clubs for, for the lack of a better wording, sexual orientation / gender identity indoctrination?  Making them believe that they are something that they are not?  And then hiding it from the Parents like these two teachers (who were counting on the school policy to hide them)?

And Parents, have you CHECKED with your Elected School Board members to see if they have approved such a Policy that effectively rips your kids from your philosophy of raising them?  That those School Board members APPROVE of you being displaced as the Number One influencers in your kids lives?

(H/T: The Blaze)

UPDATE: Forgot I had this from The Epoch Times on the same story. A couple of abstracted snippets:

  • “Do they have psychiatry degrees that I was unaware of, because I didn’t hire them? I did not hire them to sit there and nitpick my child’s brain. You took away my ability to parent my child.”
  • “You planted [Transgender] seeds,” she said. “Your job was to educate my child in math, science, English, etc. Do your job, and let me do mine!”
  • “This issue is not about a GSA club on campus. It has nothing to do with that. This issue is about deceiving parents, stalking children. And these are children. They’re 12 years old,” she said.
  • Vicki Nohrden, a parent and grandparent, criticized the board for preaching about compassion, kindness, and respect while disregarding parental rights. “Respect is so important,” Nohrden said. “What I think is lacking is we are not respecting the parents when parents don’t have a voice and a place of authority in their children’s world and the school seeks to undermine that authority.”



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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