Teacher: Parents are Bourgeois When it Comes to “Educationally Based Sexuality”


Even as the Media “normalized all manner of sexual practice, most Parents are either against those things altogether or believe it is THEIR responsibility to introduce such subjects or teach their kids.

It is not to be left to teachers in a classroom setting.

Teaching the physiological aspects, as part of normal biology as the kids get older, sure. But it isn’t up to teachers, counselors, or other Education system staff to take it upon themselves, at younger and younger ages, to introduce sexuality (really, transgenderism in kindergarten when many are still figuring out what “she” and “he” are all about?) over any reticence or delays that Parents wish to follow.

But as this young twit of a Teacher tells us, none of that matters.  It doesn’t matter that it is in a classroom. That the kids may have NO idea of what she is talking about. That they may well, depending on their age, what the heck she is even talking about.

It’s just another step by the Education system of sexualizing and grooming our kids into their sexual ideologies.



Did she send “notice” to Parents that this would be part of what she’d be teaching, even if it was “slipped in by accident (on purpose) during the education day?

Or did she smirk and giggle, like those teachers in the Buena Vista Middle School system that they were so “SMAHT,” pulling the wool over everyones’ eyes as to what they were doing to 11 and 12-year-olds with respect to their notions of sexuality (and are now getting sued by the Mom)?

The problem is that Administrations are all behind these types of incursions into what should be parental authority and responsibility. Those sad sack Parents that still believe in a God and Biblical sexual mores – they are impediments! WE must raise their children in our own image!

Yes, it is a very short video and it would have been “enlightening” to see what else she has said but given she took it private, we’ll never know.

And that’s IS the issue – how will Parents EVER know what is going on when the Educational system sees them as the enemy?


(H/T: Trending Views)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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