Chris Sununu

Remember that Border Crisis Thing Gov Sununu?

With all this CRT business and Schoolboard reporting, we’ve been lax on poking the governor in his tubby rhetorical tummy. Sure, he’s done some good things, but when it comes to any politician, we must remember the phrase made famous by Janet Jackson. What have you done for me lately?

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Notable Quote – It’s all about the Culture

by Skip

Most analyses of social and economic intergroup differences focus on the immediate surroundings in which people live. Sowell’s writings exposed the limitations of that approach. He concluded that it isn’t the immediate environment per se, but cultural values and human capital – skills, work habits, saving propensities, attitudes toward education and entrepreneurship, developed sometimes over … Read more

Poisoning the Minds of Future Generations with CRT

It seems that liberals have again come up with another cure for the ills of society.  They see critical race theory (CRT) as the elixir needed to treat Americans suffering from an acute ailment, one they didn’t even know they had – incurable systemic racism. By the turn of the 21st century, most people believed … Read more

Cult of personality

Let Me See if I Understand This…

A big issue with former President Trump is that he accepted, fostered or encouraged a “cult of personality.” Remember former President Obama, the Bringer of Light, who was going to heal and unify the country? Remember the online video of Leftist celebrities pledging to serve him, rather than the country?

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Obama Middle Finger

So, This Means We Can Still Impeach Barack Obama?

Let’s pretend you just got a phone call. It’s from a place you used to work. You’re retired now, and it’s not your boss on the phone, but some other ’employee.’ They had a meeting and decided to fire you, even though you don’t work there anymore. How exactly do they do that, you wonder, or better yet, why?

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Di Lothrop

Donald Trump Was Always My First Choice

THERE THEY GO AGAIN! Some Union Leader columnists with their Trump-hating rhetoric are still trying to sabotage ethical journalism with their twisted disinformation about President Donald Trump and Republicans in general.

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