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Who Is The Dictator

Barack Obama, having been ordered by George and Alex Soros, sent the memo to the leftist faithful through the mouth of David Axelrod (who looks like Hitler) to always call President Donald Trump a dictator. Any politically astute observer knows this is simply the most recent example of Demolitioncrat projection.

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trump_smug_smile-1200x800-c-default UTexas

Op-Ed: Who Is The Dictator

Barack Obama, having been ordered by George and Alex Soros, sent the memo to the leftist faithful through the mouth of David Axelrod (who looks like Hitler) to always call President Donald Trump a dictator. Any politically astute observer knows this is simply the most recent example of Demolitioncrat projection.

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GW Bush - Twitter Video Screen grab

“W” Stands For “U”

I still remember George W. Bush being called a fascist, etc. by the Left when he was President. Now it is so different. He is one of the “good ones.” What changed? Not W.

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Last Chance to Save the Soul of the Nation

The presidential campaign of 2008 marked a turning point in America.

Millions of voters were electrified by the prospect of the first African-American president. Even one of Barack Obama’s opposing candidates seemed mesmerized by the moment: “I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

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When Did The Wheels Fall Off The Republic

Most of us know that something just isn’t right. We can feel it in our gut that the America we were lucky enough to be born in doesn’t feel the same. The American Spirit, that sense of patriotism that brought us to attention for a passing American flag, has been dulled.

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American flag america

America’s Three Musketeers

Just how much more of the Marxist doctrine must the Democrat party endorse before their voters wake up to realize that what was for Granddad and his dad is no more? Current policies attest to the fact that the donkey insignia has been replaced with the hammer and sickle!

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Barack Obama middle finger

Our First Crack-Cocaine Fueled, Androgynous-Identifying President?

So Tucker Carlson recently interviewed a man who claims to have done crack-cocaine and had sex with Obama back in 1999. Here’s the interview. Make your own judgment. And an even more important thread, in my opinion, from Kyle Becker. Obama was a “Manchurian candidate” … he adopted Communism willingly and his mission was to … Read more

America IS Being Remade And Not In Our Founders’ Design

by Skip

Almost as soon as Obama uttered those fateful words “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” we have been undergoing a cultural and political revolution without a shot being fired.  And most of us never knew what was coming – or did.

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John Durham

When Will We Wake Up And Get Livid

After four years and millions of dollars, John Durham released his 300-page report on Monday, laying out the conspiracy between Democrats, the Democrat National Committee, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the media to fabricate a bogus scenario to attack and damage Donald Trump by manufacturing a fantasy relationship between Trump and the Russians. … Read more

climate change truth

Climate Change

While half the Western world has been sold that the end is near, that CO2 is rising, and the Earth will become a water world, it’s actually nothing new. Earth was quite warmer in the Roman period and earlier. Things like figs and dates were grown in parts of Europe where they now can no longer survive in.

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