Is Joe Biden Better than Barack Obama at “Selling Guns?”

by Skip

Is Joe Biden better than Barack Obama as a gun salesman? And when you look at the numbers are they a proxy for “general unrest” across the country?

NSSF Adjusted NICS 22 year history

And it is clear that a lot of this unrest and angst has come from the Progressive Policies starting to really take hold:

  • “Defund the Police” is resulting in MUCH HIGHER crime stats with residents figuring out that the remaining police CAN’T and WON’T protect them
  • Crime stats in those areas are soaring – they are realizing that with their Second Amendment Rights, they ARE their own First Responders for themselves and their families

Homocide spikes

  • Now look at all of the ACTUAL riots that were happening over last summer in the big Democrat cities where Mayors allowed Private Property to be destroyed and innocents assaulted (remember “Space to destroy”?)
  • And they see Democrats lying about Jan 6, calling it hyperbolic adjectives such as insurrections, sedition, overthrow, and coups – knowing that while it may have risen to a riot (and remember, the only person that was shot was killed by a government official AFTER other government officials released the mag locks on the doors of the Capital building
  • They are watching the Democrats, as always, saying  that they “aren’t ‘infringing'” on that 2A Right but their actions say they are. They aren’t falling for the euphemisms and redefinitions any more.
  • We see all kinds of Government agencies spying on us – who EVER thought that the US Postal Service would ever be going through our social media believing that they’ll find all of the “extremists” out there?
  • And any discussion of “Yes, we ARE going to take your guns away” spurs them to buy guns

But the Left will not turn from its Civilian Disarmament ways – and the truth is that people know this. Rational people take that all in and the graph shows the result.

As well as anyone looking to buy ammo nowadays as well. Millions new gun owners aren’t going to be wrong, are they Bruce Currie?

The Democrats / Socialists / Hate America Firsters understand that in order to REALLY have to have a real Revolution (and Bernie Sander’s group is literally names “Our Revolution”), you have to transform what used to be a High Trust Society to a Low Trust one – you know, like Third World countries like Somalia’ hellhole where US Rep Illhan Omer came from – and now is helping to do the same to US.

And people instinctively know that in those times, they will be on their own – their own Government is being turned against them.

I know that I’m part of that chart and many of my friends are as well.

Democrats, if you want a Government that the rest of us will trust, then ACT like it. Until then, I’ll go with Ted Cruz:

Ted Cruz: Democrats want Americans to be docile

Democrats forget what kind of folks we are descended from – the outcasts, the dregs, the outspoken, and the rebellious; first from Europe and then the rest of the world.

In God and Colt I’ll trust – not Pelosi, Schumer, or Dementia Joe.

Up Yours

(H/T: The Truth About Guns)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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