trump_smug_smile-1200x800-c-default UTexas

Thank You For Saving America

On January 20, 2025, the American electorate terminated the Soros-Obama-Biden Presidential catastrophe with the Inauguration of Donald John Trump as the 47th President of the United States. Ironically, this historic event, which will echo down the halls of American and world history, was met with disdain and disgust by the radical left. Nevertheless, President Trump immediately commenced … Read more


The Woke War On The US

JFK famously wrote a college thesis: “ WHY ENGLAND SLEPT.” The thesis discussed the failure of the English government and people to recognize the mortal danger of Hitler’s Nazism. That book became a best-seller. Nearly a decade later, Nikita Khrushchev banged his shoe on the U.N. Podium in NYC and screamed, “ We Will Bury … Read more

The Comeback Kid

With the remarkable political success of DJT winning his third Presidential election and preparing to serve his second non-consecutive term, only the second person in America to accomplish that, everyone has forgotten another remarkable presidential comeback: The Richard ” Never Say Die” Nixon (RMN) story. RMN and JFK entered the US Senate in 1948 and, … Read more

George Soros

The Soros Mob

George Soros and his fellow looney-tune billionaire shysters have turned our courts into a Purgatory where the most courageous among us are sent to suffer. Any competent lawyer would stand on his head to keep his clients out of the courtroom! Soros and his looney-tune billionaires, through nefarious means, created a court system where the … Read more

Joe and Kamala Were Inspired by Ike’s “ Open Skies”

Does anyone recall President Dwight David Eisenhower’s (Ike’s) “Open Skies” proposal at the 1955 Geneva Conference?  Ike suggested that the USA and Russia “exchange complete blueprints of their military bases and establishments, from beginning to end, from  one end of our countries to the other.” Both countries would reveal all military installations and allow verification … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Tear Down This Blue Wall

As a sophomore spending a college year abroad (1967 – 1968), a friend and I thumbed around Europe during our free time and eventually visited Berlin. The Berlin Wall separated East and West Berlin at the time. However, Westerners were allowed to visit East Berlin with “day passes “ issued by the German Democratic Republic, … Read more

US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

The Enemy Within

Is “The Enemy Within” a figment of the imagination or a constant controversial constitutional issue in American politics? Robert F. Kennedy launched the presidential career of JFK with Senate hearings on Jimmy Hoffa’s labor racketeering and memorialized those hearings in a book entitled “The Enemy Within,” published in 1960. Prior to RFK’s book, Senator Joseph McCarthy … Read more


The 2024 presidential election will decide the future of our children, grandchildren, and the United States of America. Unfortunately, my grandchildren do not have a vote to save their future and that of America. Therefore, I feel compelled to beg those who can vote to use common sense when they vote. So, let’s look at … Read more

The Importance of the Vice Presidency

In Bill O’Reilly’s book “Confronting The Presidents,” Bill tells us FDR could have cared less who his Vice President was. Of course, at the time, FDR was nearly on his deathbed, and his Vice-President, whom he met once or twice, was Harry S. Truman, the man who decided to drop the Atom Bomb on Japan … Read more

doctors surgery blood patient

Stop Organ Harvesting

Of the innumerable Satanic evils the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has perpetrated on humanity, the murder of members of Falon Gong (and I suspect Christians) for purposes of organ transplantation to prolong the life of the CCP ruling elite is horrific. Apparently, the CCP has struck a Faustian deal with Mephistopheles: “All the organs you … Read more

Reagan: The Man, the Myth And the Movie

Amazing! The acting is brilliant, and the American history must be shared with every American from 9 to 99. All of us who lived when Reagan reigned as POTUS know the historical accuracy of this film is remarkable. I didn’t believe Hollywood could make a movie that fairly reflected the greatness of the Man and, … Read more

Scales of justice gavel law court

I Feel Like the March Hare Living in Alice’s Wonderland!

As a lawyer in the State of New Hampshire for over 50 years, I am beyond outraged at the recent idiotic decision of the New Hampshire Supreme Court (NHSCOTUS) abridging and destroying parental rights. The leftist intimidation has reached the point where the plaintiff defaults to “DOE” rather than use her Christian name. We want … Read more

trump_smug_smile-1200x800-c-default UTexas

Op-Ed: Who Is The Dictator

Barack Obama, having been ordered by George and Alex Soros, sent the memo to the leftist faithful through the mouth of David Axelrod (who looks like Hitler) to always call President Donald Trump a dictator. Any politically astute observer knows this is simply the most recent example of Demolitioncrat projection.

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The War on Children

In American society today, we are seeing a “War on our Children.”   This is an orchestrated attempt by “Big Tech” to gain control of our children’s minds and hearts, and they have been doing an excellent job so far. Smartphones are their weapon.

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Soldiers helicopter

The Draft

Why are Republicans only concerned about drafting our daughters, apparently forgetting that 600,000 American men were slaughtered in the Civil War, 400,000 American men in WW2, and 100,000 American men in Korea and Vietnam?

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Scales of justice gavel law court

“Absolute Immunity” and the Rule of Law

Let’s look at the place “Absolute Immunity” holds in the Rule of Law in the United States: Every judge, whether that person sits on the local district court, any State or Federal court including the trial court, the intermediate appellate court and the State or United States Supreme Court is immune from a civil lawsuit or a criminal indictment regardless of their conduct on the Bench in the pursuit of their official duties.

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ICYMI – Juan Merchan: The Grand Inquisitor

Let’s take a look at some aspects of the “Grand Inquisitor’s” (Juan Merchan) farcical travesty of President Donald John Trump’s NYC trial:

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George Soros

George Soros War on the Rule of Law

George Soros, a personification of Ian Fleming’s evil mastermind, Goldfinger. He planned to heist all the gold in Fort Knox. George Soros conspires to destroy the USA and Western Civilization. A major tenet of the Soros campaign: “ Destroy The Rule Of Law”!

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Blind justice lifting the blindfold

The Despicable Treatment of President Trump

“Hidin” Biden and the Demolitioncrats resurrected the word CONSPIRACY with the assistance of mad mastermind Marc Elias and a spurned presidential political candidate, Hillary Clinton.

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The Systemic “Odor of Mendacity”

During Fani Willis’s trial, presiding Judge Scott McAfee, an inexperienced former employee of Fani’s, detected an “Odor of Mendacity” in the sworn testimony of Georgia County Attorney Fani Willis and her paramour prosecutor Nathan Wade. Any casual observer could see that Fani, her lover, and her law partner engaged in unlimited perjury.

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