“W” Stands For “U”

Ed Mosca

I still remember George W. Bush being called a fascist, etc. by the Left when he was President. Now it is so different. He is one of the “good ones.” What changed? Not W.

What changed is that someone named Donald Trump came along and exposed the Republican Party as controlled opposition … that most of the “Republicans” holding elected office represented the UniParty, not Republican voters.

Donald Trump represented and represents an existential threat to America’s post World War II pseudo-democracy. As much of a threat to traditional (i.e. controlled opposition) Republicans as to the Democrats. That’s why the Left no longer calls W and his ilk, fascists … there is a real enemy to be dealt with: Trump.

Excellent post by Western Lensmen. W was a make-believe threat that Obama, Inc. used to mobilize legions of shallow-thinking Commy-bots. Of course, there were and are differences within the UniParty, but those differences are minor compared to the differences between Trump … who represents real, not pseudo-democracy … and the UniParty.


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