Gun -Grabbin’ Hogg Shoots Clay Pidegeons With a Biden Boomstick

Failed pillow entrepreneur and occasional gun-grabbing loud-mouth David Hogg has come out as pro-gun (sort of). He posted a short video on Twitter, using it as an opportunity to 1) remind us he’s a hypocritical two-faced  a**hole and 2) pretend he’s not.

To his credit, Hogg does not look as ridiculous as the awful PR shots of Barry Soetero pretending to shoot skeet with his weapon parallel to the ground with photo-shopped smoke leaking out of the business end (this one is more realistic). That, for the record, is how former Clinton aids commit suicide.

Here’s Hogg cracking one off for the same reason ‘cuz David Grab your Guns Hogg likes to shoot him sum skeet or sum’tin.


For the record, I know a lot of folks who say F the NRA all the time. The organization doesn’t speak for them either. But they are not famous for using the blood of children to elevate your Q rating as a mouthpiece for the final form of what you’ve been selling since the Parkland debacle. An epic failure of a gun-grabbing government to interrupt the trajectory of a potential shooter. Which, ironically, is one of the very reasons why we need the right you’d happily nibble or gulp away.


We have the video here if the tweet ever goes the way of David.


HT | Newswars

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