Climate Change

While half the Western world has been sold that the end is near, that CO2 is rising, and the Earth will become a water world, it’s actually nothing new. Earth was quite warmer in the Roman period and earlier. Things like figs and dates were grown in parts of Europe where they now can no longer survive in.

Vikings settled in Iceland and Greenland, explored the east coast of North America even discovered Vineland. Yes things were warmer then.

Then around the early Dark Ages, climate change set in. For about four hundred years, it got cooler to what is now called the Little Ice Age. Middle Dark Ages then saw the climate get warmer once again for about four hundred years, only to get colder again. Between 1300 to 1900, glaciers expanded all over Europe. Towns in the Alps were overrun, and people migrated. Vikings abandoned Greenland, and sea ice grew thicker around Ice Land. During the Revolutionary War, British soldiers could walk across the ice from Staten Island to Manhattan.

Yup, climate change has existed for a very long time. Once again, it’s warming, but before we run Henny Penney, Chicken Little for the safety of a cave, we might note at no time was the sky actually falling – nor is it now. The fear and hysteria being promoted by special interests want you to panic for their political or economic advantages. I’m looking at Elon Musk, the richest man in America, selling Electric Cars and Joe Biden promoting the buying of solar panels from China (and taking a nice kickback, no doubt) from that Anti-American, slaveholding totalitarian regime.

I also do not recall history recording massive fossil fuel consumption before the Twentieth Century being necessary for climate change to occur. And how come all those predicted disasters by the year 2012 Al Gore promised never happened? Who, by the way, lives in all those multi-million dollar mansions by the sea (Gore; Obama, Musk, and others) if the seas will rise and submerge them?

Time for common sense and simple logic or are you comfortable being trampled by the herd’s stampede?

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