Common Sense and Pride

It’s not enough to elect a President; it involves a day-to-day people thing!  First off, America’s threat is real, ongoing, and relentless.  What seems miniscule today will evolve into a fearful accumulation tomorrow.  So, we each need to self-admit and become aware that there is an ongoing threat!  However, our task can be strengthened with … Read more

Overdue Government “Spring Cleaning”

The term “spring cleaning” refers to a long overdue responsibility that addresses the need—in the case of our government—for a return to its constitutionally mandated size. Owning up to this duty will uproot everything that has illegally been established. This unhindered growth is a testament to the tenure of public ignorance, which has been force-fed … Read more

ruble-bribe money bribery

What Happened To Service And Sacrifice?

What justified the explosion from the original reimbursements for elected officials to the present pay scales that are approximately double the average working wage?  Yes, times have changed but still!  No wonder political science courses have soared in popularity!  What other career offers starting wages at the same level as the experienced worker? What began … Read more

Addressing Misconceptions

How many of us have tortured ourselves by reading the 14th Amendment in its entirety?  I understand that, other than the first section, with its opening sentence, the remaining four sections amount to the irrelevancy of being unrelated from the amendment’s original purpose of granting citizenship to those who gained freedom after the Civil War. … Read more

The Dim’s Best Friend

How could so many dimwits run such a successful scam for so long without being discovered?  Especially in light of their salaries versus the mansions they have suddenly acquired!  This should have provided all the proof required for a serious investigation.  Could it be that what was originally deemed to be the government’s unofficial watchdogs … Read more

Women during Maos cultural revolution

Critical Warning

Whatever one’s interests might be, whether it’s religion, family, education, or American culture, the enemy’s effort to devalue and eliminate is obvious!  Considering this as anything other than a coordinated agenda is delusional and dangerous. Also, this approach suggests that your education misled and your most truest source, the family, was successfully outspoken or devalued.  … Read more

Angry unhinged leftist

Granddad’s Democrat Party Is No Longer

We begin by paraphrasing the theory that for every action there’s a reaction. While not intended, this emotional base, which the democrats feed from, is now providing ample validation to Trump’s resounding comeback win. Orators are majestic with their word mastery, but words fail to whitewash the democrat’s complete loss for any political decorum or … Read more

American Flag pole porch neighborhood

America’s Coming Back

There are some mornings in which thoughts and ideas come flying by with the ease and grace of a flock of geese flying south for the winter.  On this day before Lincoln’s birthday, this is the right time for printing such high flying thoughts. At this three-week point in Trump’s second term, the democrats have … Read more

Jimmy Carter

Misplaced Honor

Flying the American flag at half mast, as some local residents were respectfully doing to salute President Carter, is an act of which his Presidency was not worthy.  Rather,  President Carter’s recent passing should be confined to one’s individual remorse and remembrance of his selfless contributions outside of politics.  The call for a thirty-day show … Read more

American Flag

A New American Age

After four Biden years, America’s first benefit still awaits.  Such a record is not by accident. Not to be rude or disrespectful of the office, but the consistency of deception and lies during these last four years needs to be summed up with one word, “Bidenized.”  This term refers to the meaningless state of any innocent … Read more

Donald J. Trump

Our American Blessing

The current state of the democrat party is a harsh preview of what they have in store for America.    Fortunately, their agenda was interrupted by an awakened populace that once again elected Donald Trump!  Many have attributed Trump’s return to an ever-saving Grace, especially since that day in Butler, Pa., rather than the reckless manner … Read more

Plymouth flag wave 1

Our People Awakened

Contrary to our unalienable rights, today’s censoring reigns supreme.  This abusive and illegal tactic has become so inclusive that one wonders how and why in this land of the free.   The authority’s lack of corrective concern and subsequent action to such a blatant Constitutional trespass is equally concerning.  Our underlying menace is disinterest in enforcing … Read more

Disgruntled and Indifferent Attitudes

From my perch and particular time in life, there has been this continuing growth of a fundamental absence, an essence that was practically universal during our Founding.  More concerning is that this missing link has become ingrained within portions of our elected leaders.  Specifically, what’s missing is a basic love of country, which entails the … Read more

Barber Shop

Unity at a Barber Shop

Finally, after the Christmas rush, my barber shop returned to its natural pace. The wait was even gratifying for listening and then partaking in the back and forths, which renewed my faith in Americanism. This should have been expected since a picture of Trump was hanging on a wall that faced a “Go Brandon” sign on … Read more

Confused Joe Biden - The Bull Elephant

 A Vital Realization

The plight of the democrat Party was self-imposed and internally should have been anticipated when adopting the communist regimen.  Accordingly, their statements and policies have consistently been anti-American, especially since the Obama years.  However, in their efforts to remake America, they forgot or gave little importance to the fact that in America, free elections both … Read more

Memorial American Flag

Recalling What Made US

Another Blessed Thanksgiving Day; one in which we people always fare better than those helpless turkeys! As mentioned in a previous piece, prior to our special American holiday, fake news outlets echoed about how to cope with certain family members that would come to dine. Just more from their ‘negative influencing’ gig that keeps the … Read more

Thanksgiving table free images

Our Day of Thanks

Often, the tactics of the enemy are plain to see. This is the case with a repetitive Thanksgiving Day query that simply is a brazen attempt to erase one American day of thankfulness and family unity. Rather than allowing recognition of this special occasion as a reflection back to America’s beginnings and humble acknowledgements to … Read more

What a Timely Gift

This year has been costly for the democrat party since its true nature has finally been self revealed. Unknowingly, they boxed themselves into a corner; first with Biden as their 2020 candidate, followed with his announcing that his running mate would be a woman, preferably a minority. Once Harris was chosen their Waterloo awaited. Especially … Read more

God and Country

With Our Heads Bowed

Ever since that Butler attempt to end Trump’s White House bid, the volume of talk pertaining to a possible act of Devine Intervention has become a major addition to the public’s conversation. As my dear late Mom always said, “God works in mysterious ways.” Well, today’s version of that, while not “mysterious” is a resounding … Read more

Kamala stern pointing

The Reality of It All

When a so-called political party fights measures that would uphold America’s voting integrity, not suspecting that something else is at stake is impossible! Especially when that party previously scrubbed 14 million loyal votes and then proceeded to insert their “back room” choice. This suspicion of a hidden element gains momentum, especially with the more “into” … Read more

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