Web spider web

The Spider’s Web

Since the rodents have now had 248 years to study our Founding and Forefather’s words, maybe we should do the same, and good old Sal Alinksy is perfect to decipher our nation’s current happenings. His Rules For Radicals cites, “Power is the very essence, the dynamo of life.”

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Prayer at First Constitutional Congress Rev Peter-Michael Preble

Night Cap: A Supreme Sore Thumb

When it’s so obvious that the “average Joe” questions “how can this be,” it really must be a humdinger! Consider our right to freely worship from the following, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Compare this clearly defined restriction to the Court’s 1947 Everson v. Board of Education ruling; “The First Amendment has erected ‘a wall of separation’ between church and state.

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Night Cap: In Need of Founding Beliefs

The reason why American History, particularly our Founding and its Founders, is longer a subject for learning since it’s possible that too many of its reference points would discount today’s revisionist beliefs. What then would be next; the return of law and order and limited governing?

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An Obvious Fix

The 2024 Presidential contest is unique in that both candidates’ records are publicly reviewable. This has rarely occurred, and never were they so diametrically different. This available data nullifies the usual campaign boasting and promising and may simplify the choice.

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American Flag

Morning View: What We Are Made Of

The original Tory preference for remaining British subjects rather than free American citizens has been recycled into a mindlessness that prefers the collective abyss of socialism over remaining as free Americans. If nothing else, this foolishness highlights the extent to which these mind games have elevated today’s irrelevant but dangerous reasoning. While our basket teems … Read more

American Flag

Night Cap: The Selling Of America

The average American need not hold an economics degree to realize that America’s business complex must remain in America in order for our Country and her people to prosper and benefit. Furthermore, this is such sound reasoning that it’s merely common sense to all, including our CEO’s!

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Our Modern Day Version

America is in need of another declaration! Our first was presented in a written form, but in today’s fast-paced world, ears are more adaptable to our living styles. As with America’s first declaration, today’s version also declares an abrupt turnaround from what is current, and in both instances, America’s abrupt turnaround comes from a highly credible source.

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Night Cap: Proper and Overdue

It wasn’t as if Harrison Butker addressed the students of Yale, Harvard, or some other nefarious communist institution! Rather, Butker spoke to the graduating class at the Christian-oriented Benedictine College, located deep within the heart of America’s “fly-over country!” So, why all this ruckus?

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Young girl heart inhand

Also Our Hearts

It’s a foregone conclusion that young minds are being successfully bombarded by any tidbit of crap which will decimate America, but it’s more than our minds; it’s our hearts that these evil-doers have also targeted. For me, the term “heart” generalizes what actually takes in a person’s inner drives, ambitions, attitudes, and motivations—essentially, one’s being. … Read more

trump_smug_smile-1200x800-c-default UTexas

A Tested and Worthy Champion

Most can guess who I am referring to; yes, this will be about Donald J. Trump. But before dismissing this read, try asking yourself one question. What’s more important, your animosity towards the man or our country’s survival?

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American Flag

Anarchy’s Deeper Roots

There I was, working the “dead man’s shift” at an electrical generating facility when a co-worker related what would become a common refrain from other working dads: his ‘child’ came home from college at Christmas a stranger regarding their attitudes and perspectives. Now, this was way back in the ‘sixties’ when colleges across the nation were also deep into protesting.

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Globe map china

Maybe One Last Election

Comparisons only capture the ears of the curious. Amid all this social, economic, and cultural turmoil, it would surely be beneficial if curiosity could return. This quality is very much in demand since America is being attacked with the enemy’s new weapons of equality and equity.

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If It Quacks Like a Duck

Just from personal observations, this issue somehow has more legs than a caterpillar and continues to steamroll our society while its hyped-up humanitarian excuse masks its inherent depravity.

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Stepping Back To Regroup

Dare we turn this recent embarrassment, when our American senses, awareness, and skeptical nature slipped away, into a useful learning exercise? We need to fall back and regroup so as to refresh our thoughts and dormant loyalties. Given today’s circumstances, this may be more of a pressing need than a leisurely pastime.

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A Public Infestation at Work

Since this President is intent upon re-election, his choice of politics over country for his State of the Union speech was a no-brainer given the opportunity of a rare national audience. However insulting this was to House members, it’s merely one Biden incident.

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Secondary to the 2024 Election

The socialist’s grab bag, leading into this 2024 election, is just jammed full of sound bites for their mindless minions. Conceding that they must and will finally select the most plausible empty suit to run against Trump, their next trinket is twofold: furthering their promotion of democracy along with their drum beating about the supposed negatives that our Electoral College system represents.

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George Washington

Complicity Galore

Beginning in 1789, America’s Constitutional form of limited governing took effect. As our new country became established, its authority was limited, as was its revenue – due to its meager tariff-based revenue – so if there was debt back then, it was minor and of brief duration.

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It’s The Little Things

At the heart of any society is the family. A fair comparison is all the links of a chain that provide its strength. So it is that our American families are the beneficial links to our society. As such, it’s the little things within each family that bolster its inner functions, character, and purpose.

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White House Photo by Michael Schofield on Unsplash

Doubtful At Best

Americans have been very lax with their Blessings. In a country that offers so much, how is it that we take it all for granted without caring to ensure its operational integrity? No wonder that today, we are on the precipice of joining the rest of the third-world inhabitants!

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