parental rights

SB272 Failure

Educators often use the metaphor of the three-legged stool to convey the ideal parent-teacher-child relationship.  If one leg is weakened, the stool inevitably becomes unstable.  Over the past few years, this three-legged stool has become more and more wobbly.

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Sun King Sununu

How Outrageous Have Sun King Sununu’s Lies Gotten …

One of the features of authoritarian countries and authoritarians is generating false history … to make the authoritarians look good and/or make the enemies of the authoritarians look bad. Recall the famous “we have always been at war with Eastasia” from Orwell’s 1984. Well … true to his authoritarian nature … Sun-King Sununu … is … Read more

Gilford School District SAU73

An Update from Last Monday’s Gilford School Board’s Meeting: Policy JBAB

by Skip

“Should” does not mean “shall” or “must” but is a permissive term. Nothing in this Policy limits the rights of individuals under the federal or state constitutions. About time that our Constitutions are brought front and center! Most of what I wanted to say, I did here (“Gilford School Board Meeting – They Have Finally Seen the Light! … Read more

Thomas Martin-Edwards Twitter screen grab - transition closet

Do School Districts Care What Parents Think?

by Skip

Do you think that school districts care what you think? Hardly.  That’s the answer. And we are finding out, more and more, that plenty of School Districts are all in on this con that they care about your kids the way you do.

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“House Dems compromised with Senate Dems, no GOP involved”

by NH State Rep. Mike Sylvia  |   The letters section of The Laconia Daily Sun on Wednesday was visited by one of Vladimir Lenin’s disciples. She contributes to the principle of “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Not wanting to waste her one letter for the week she slides in two pieces of … Read more

Liar, Liar, Liar … Annie Kuster is Quite the Liar

This: Is a total LIE. As explained by Rep. Dan Crenshaw: And just as SHAMEFUL as Annie Kuster gleefully LYING to the voters is that none of the so-called “press” in New Hampshire has held her accountable. The reason for that is that the “press” in New Hampshire are actually Democrat operatives posing as reporters, … Read more


Joe Biden Bases His Campaign on a LIE (Again)

It has been well documented that Joe Biden’s campaign announcement was based on a lie. From Breitbart: What Biden said is completely untrue, as the transcript of Trump’s press conference about Charlottesville shows. Trump was referring to protesters against the removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, as well as to non-violent left-wing protesters … Read more

NH House Leaders cheat – shame on Legislators

By Harriet Cady Sometimes I despair over  how elected officials conduct business with winning becoming more important in their minds than morality and ethical behavior.  Winning has become the be all and the end justifying cheating to get there. HB 729 was a non-partisan bill which would have allowed citizens to bring Right to Know … Read more

Blogline of the Day – Professor Paul Rahe

by Skip

I watched Susan Rice, Obama’s Ambassador to the UN on the Sunday morning shows making a complete asshat of herself by: By even trying to try to make us all believe that some poorly done movie short could be the sole reason for her fellow Ambassador’s assassination (really, what kind of a “protest” comes fully … Read more

The Misleading Claim about Medicare Administrative Costs

by Don

A recent caller to Niel Young’s radio show, “The Advocates”, claimed that Medicare’s administration cost is much lower than for private insurance companies. But, Medicare’s formula for computing administration costs doesn’t include all the costs which government requires in the calculations for private companies. So the comparison is not valid, and the claim is misleading.

Medicare’s formula for administrative cost excludes more than half of its real costs: some management costs, policy setting costs, tax and fee collection services, costs of capital, and many services provided by other government agencies.

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Picture of the Day 4-6-11

From Patriot Post, (a few years back) this graphic was created for a T-Shirt commemorating another Clinton lie, this one from Hillary, about coming under fire in Bosnia. No one could corroborate the story, and at least one reporter contradicted it completely, as does the historical record outside the Clinton Library. At least she didn’t claim to be a veteran afterward

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