The Election Rigging Has Already Started … Adam Sexton Is Enabling Chris Pappas’ LIES

The job of REAL journalists is to hold the politicians accountable. To expose them when they tell blatant LIES. To juxtapose the truth, the facts with the politician’s LIE.

BUT NOT IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Adam Sexton, the “political director” at WMUR is the most powerful “journalist” in New Hampshire. BUT he does not see his job as holding the politicians accountable. He sees his job as helping to elect Democrats.

The GOP primary was barely just hours old when Chris Pappas began circulating this LIE:

This is a BRAZEN LIE. Leavitt’s position is that abortion is a STATE issue:

The REAL ISSUE here is Pappas’ character or more accurately lack thereof. He is a LIAR … a blatant and shameless LIAR. That’s newsworthy. That’s something that REAL journalists would report. But Adam Sexton and the rest of them at WMUR, NHPR, etc. are NOT real journalists. They are Democrat operatives posing as journalists.


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