Chris Pappas Admits Entire Campaign Based on a LIE … “Press” Just Ignores

Hat-tip to NH-NeverTrumpJournal. So Chris Pappas has admitted that his claim that Karoline Leavitt supports a national abortion ban … which is the basis of his entire campaign … is baseless.

Not surprisingly, no coverage from New Hampshire’s disinformation-duo, Adam Sexton and Josh Rogers. Sexton can find the time to cover Hassan’s crazy claim that Bolduc wants to end Social Security. But cover the incumbent Democrat admitting that the political-ads he has been blanketing New Hampshire with are a LIE? No time for that.

Rogers just couldn’t wait to run a hit-piece on Bolduc titled that Bolduc abandoned “false claims.” But don’t hold your breath waiting for anything on Pappas admitting his campaign is based on a LIE.

Because Rogers … like Sexton … like the “journalists” at New Hampshire Bulletin and elsewhere … are NOT journalists. They are Democrat activists who believe that the press’  job is to elect Democrats.


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