NH House Leaders cheat – shame on Legislators

By Harriet Cady

Sometimes I despair over  how elected officials conduct business with winning becoming more important in their minds than morality and ethical behavior.  Winning has become the be all and the end justifying cheating to get there.

HB 729 was a non-partisan bill which would have allowed citizens to bring Right to Know issues to an Ombudsman that was before the House Representatives on April 4 and killed by 204 representatives who say they represent citizens.  This  non-partisan bill which would allow citizens to enforce a law with no enforcement unless  the citizen has money

Recently the news said that most people only have two weeks income on hand should they lose their job.  Yet the legislature expects citizens to be knowledgeable enough to petition the court and pay as much as $400 to enforce a Right to Know violation of elected officials.

Well shame on 204 legislators, mostly Democrats who voted to kill the bill after it had passed the house based on a lying blurb and statement by Rep. Mary Beth Walz.  OH but that’s not the all at a  Sunday March meeting which it seems there was agreement by the Chairs and Vice Chairs to just kill HB 729 and other bills.  .  The Democratic chairs and vice chairs bring back the word to their committee members they want the reps to vote like lemmings following their leader over the cliff   Certain members of the finance committee whose rules state they vote based on the money / cost instead made decisions on policy questions, questions  already discussed and answered  by the Right to Know Commission, Judiciary committee and previous House vote to support.

And so I state, SHAME on the Finance Committee especially  Representatives Sharon Nordgren, Hanover,  and Division I chair, Patricia Lovejoy, Stratham, Lynne Ober, Hudson, Mary Beth Walz, Bow,  Mary Jane Wallner, Concord, Richard Barry, Merrimack and Peter Leishman, Peterborough.   by saying well we won.  Maybe that’s why cheating in life has become so acceptable to just kill a bill with lies in the calendar blurb and secret Sunday meetings on I guess they justify cheating with a so-called win against their constituents.

A big thank you to Peter Spanos w ho voted for the bill and thus citizens rights. A really big thumbs down to Speaker Stephen Shurtleff who has decided to lead by winning at any cost including secret meetings on a Sunday, so that’s what makes our children think it’s okay to cheat, leading politicians who lie and cheat.

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