Cornerstone – Sununu Lied to Voters:

by Skip

Someone just sent me this mailer that started hitting mailboxes yesterday.  And a video link.  First, the mailer – the front:

CS Sununu Lied Mailer Front

And the back:

CS Sununu Lied Mailer back

And the Link:


Loyal readers know that integrity and honesty mean a LOT to me. Just look at my ire and anger against NH State Rep Greg Hough, my new elected Representative by redistricting, when he told me that he WOULDN’T participate in the Belknap County Delegation’s illegally called meeting on August First – and then did (ditto for Harry Bean and the Lang Gang members).

I will NOT vote for either – how can ANY of us truly vote for “Lawmakers” when they show that they don’t care about it personally?  At least Bean didn’t tell me that he wouldn’t participate – he just did it after I told him he shouldn’t due to RSA 91A and RSA24:9-d didn’t allow what he was doing. But Hough, and I’ll say it again, lied to me.

Back to the mailer: for those not in the know, Massachusetts had such an abortion clinic “buffer” law as well that kept pro-life people from speaking their minds close to such an abattoir. It was hauled into court, and their buffer law was declared unconstitutional, and it went away.

Sununu has decided that the NH Law, pretty much the same law, needed to be protected.  He’s pro-choice after all – in killing innocent babies, and this mailer makes it clear: over the plain and enumerated Free Speech in the Bill of Rights (and NH’s Constitution’s Articles 22 and 30).  He wants what he wants, and the Law (and Constitutions) be damned.  He’s counting that the Law will stand until some brave soul deliberately breaks the NH Law to have it overturned – that way, he keeps his baby-killing street credibility alive.

It shows his disdain for a new Life; he’s turned sharply Left during these last two terms from a social wokeness point of view.  He’s just about into Charlie Bass territory – go ahead, show me where I’m wrong other than on Second Amendment issues.

I find it rather droll and sad that he’s out campaigning for OTHER Republicans nationwide (most of them liberal to Progressive) and yet refuses to reliably act what he claimed to be – a Conservative.  In fact, he’s shown his ire against real Conservative Republicans here in NH and his aligned Granite PAC is going after them all over the State (see Steve’s posts).

If you want to see more, go here (thanks, Steve!)

Truth be told, he’s probably going to win the Primary next week.  My only wish of wishes is that it would be by such a small margin that it would put a stake into his Presidential ambitions.

After all, he’s not half the politician his Dad is.


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