On Keeping One’s Word – Or Not. Not Cool to Lie to a New Constituent, Gregg Hough (Laconia Ward Two)!

by Skip

Yep, that’s him that I “boxed” in the slightly edited registered Democrat voter Denise Conroy’s social media image.  And you voted for her, amirite, because of her “lack of baggage”?  Like I said, a complete lack of doing your homework, Gregg Hough, in picking this “temporary Commissioner” (after all, that WAS the agenda item).

Tell me, Gregg, as with redistricting Laconia Ward 2 was melded with Gilford, as my NH House Representative, do you know what a Dillon’s Rule State MEANS?  It’s obvious that you don’t or you wouldn’t have acted the way you did.

Apart from that, you and I had a discussion about you taking part in what was an illegal Delegation meeting – and you told me that you weren’t going to do so – our text conversation:

Me: Just tried to call you, mix full

Me: Mbx full

Me: Now that I am your constituent, I can now yell at you loudly. Now, this meeting tonite

Me: It was called for under 91A.[Right to Know Law] You are governed by RSA 24:9-D [regulations for Conventions] for the calling of meetings which requires 7 day notice.  RSA 399 [authorizing language for Gunstock] doesn’t allow for a [GAC] temp commissioner, go read my post of this morning.

Me: My ire has nothing to do with Gunstock but that my rep is willing to not follow the Law!

That got his attention and he called me and we discussed thing. At that time he told me that he would not participate/show up and say that he wouldn’t take part and then leave.

And now we all know that he did go, did participate and did so as a “pro-temp Vice Chair” (just like Harry Bean did as  pro-temp Chair) and voted to oust Dr. Strang “for cause”.  While this post is about Gregg Hough, this question can be for both – where in the Law does is say that a meeting can illegally be called (either less than 7 day or by a State Rep that is not the Delegation Chair)?

And add – where in Law (RSA 24) does it say that in the absence of the Chair/Vice-Chair that the rest can simply decide to make up new positions and go with them? I’ll wait but I’m not going to hold my breath as I know better.  Why don’t YOU know the answer, Gregg? Why did you go along with this?

Voters are entitled to trust their Representatives. I didn’t vote for him simply because the vote was taken “pre-redistricting” back in 2020.  Now, I’m stuck with him until either the Primary or the General Election.

The long and short of it, like Frank Guinta of now long ago (yeah, I don’t forget someone after they’ve lied to me), you lied to me. Did you not think I was going to find out?  And did you REALLY think I’d say nothing.

I don’t like people that first tell me one thing and then when I’m out of sight, do the exact opposite.  Am I as a voter supposed to just “take it in the shorts” that my Rep IS going to lie to me with impunity? This is about your integrity – and you flunked that completely.

So I ask – WHY did you lie to me by telling me one thing but doing another?  Why couldn’t you be straight with me – we could have disagreed over the phone, perhaps vehemently, but at least I would have to say you were honest about it.

Now, all I can concluded is that “honesty” is not a word or virtue I can apply to you going forward.

Now, for those that only care that Gunstock is opening up but don’t care about the Law and Government following the correct processes/procedures, you’re probably looking upon him with favor.  But ask yourself, what if it was something else that was important to you and he (or any OTHER elected official)

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