Do School Districts Care What Parents Think?

by Skip

Do you think that school districts care what you think? Hardly.  That’s the answer. And we are finding out, more and more, that plenty of School Districts are all in on this con that they care about your kids the way you do.

They don’t. That’s another answer.  Not the one they want to hear. But when you see a story like this, that answer should loom high in outlook.

Answer to the next question: “The Transition Closet“.  Does the school your child attends have one of those?  Or some other school in your School District?  Reformatted, emphasis mine:

California high school debuts ‘Transition Closet’ for students to hide preferred genders from parents: Report

An Oakland, California, high school is reportedly utilizing what’s referred to as the “The Transition Closet” — a makeshift wardrobe for students to change when they arrive at school if they aren’t comfortable telling their parents about their apparent gender dysphoria. According to a report from the Post Millennial, the program first launched at a Fayetteville, Arkansas, church and was designed to “let trans-identified youth circumvent their parents and socially transition without their knowledge.”

Nice church ( Good Shepard Lutheran Church: “…by anchoring itself as an active and bold progressive faith community in Fayettevillea church that centers the queer experience as a part of its life”). Nice School. Read that again with extreme sarcasm. Once again, a concentrated effort to:

  • Separate and create a chasm between minor children and their Parents
  • Automatically assume that all Parents are guilty of harming their kids or throwing them out


In a Facebook statement, the Transition Closet wrote:

“We are extremely excited to begin our journey in working with Fremont High school of Oakland California, alongside our favorite teacher of TikTok @justaqueerteacher.”

Below – the justaqueerteacher: Thomas Martin-Edwards

“The goal of the transition closet is for our students to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are,” said Thomas Martin-Edwards, a Spanish teacher at the Oakland Unified School District and founder of the Queer Teacher Fellowship. Martin-Edwards previously served as the Assistant Principal of the San Ramon Valley Unified School District.

The post added, “The near future holds transition closet(s) and services throughout the school district for students of the Trans/Nonbinary/Intersex and additional LGBTQIA+ Community Members[.] We are currently in need of clothing donations to help kick start the first School Based Transition Closet[.] If you are in or near the Oakland CA area and are able to donate clothing, please reach out to Alexander Brodie at (520)912-6882 Or Instagram @tomofoakland[.]”

And do I really have to go and look for their equivalent of the Gilford School Board’s Policy JBAB?  Which the District gives itself the Power to lie to Parents?  Apparently, this District has done the same.  Like many others (and still waiting to see how the Manchester (NH) incident in which, allegedly, the District was lying to the Parents by omission.

Lies. By commission (actively). By omission (by secrecy. by silence).  As I sit here writing this, I have to ask the question – when did this start? What things had to happen for this TO happen?

When did School Boards and Districts started to believe that Parents were the enemy.

Oh, I know that this moment has been decades in the process.  But why didn’t someone, along the way, raise a hand or stand up or be that brave person, and simply ask:

Are you out of your fing MINDS????

What happened, internally and in their very souls, to the staff that would allow this to happen? They keep telling us that they are the Smart Ones in all this (that teacher’s voice so long ago at a Moultonboro School Board still whispers in my ears). That “SMAHT” means assuming a Messiah, a Savior syndrome, that Parents MUST be disposed of?

For essentially, that is the message of what this post is telling us.

So, Parents, between this AND the stories (the dam is starting to break!) that Teachers and Districts are grooming your kids and turning them towards a gay or trans lifestyles,

What are you going to do?  THEY’RE YOUR CHILDREN?


(H/T: The Blaze)

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