Al Gore, Man-Bear-Pig And Global Warming

“America, how can I write a holy litany in your silly mood?” ~Allen Ginsberg “They pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message: ‘This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!” “When you … Read more


“What ‘multiculturalism’ boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture – and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture.” ~Thomas Sowell Far too many people define themselves in a hyphenated Status. This was virtually unheard of up until the 1970’s. Americans were, well…just … Read more


“I know a lot of people think I’m dumb. Well, at least I ain’t no educated fool.”  ~Leon Spinks  Literacy is the vital to individual success in our modern world. The ability to read, write, and speak English enables people to get jobs, participate in children’s education, maintain family health, and participate in our society.  … Read more

Teri Norelli Cries Foul on the Budget: Insert Yawn Here

“If you put the government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” ~Milton Friedman, Economist Democratic leader Terri Norelli takes pen to the Union Leader this morning to decry the Republican budget. Norelli does a masterful work in her use of descriptors and categorizations demagoguing the Republicans … Read more

Another Anti-Second Amendment Publication Heard from: Seacoast On-line Editorial decries Open Carry

“Remember the first rule of gunfighting… ‘have a gun’.”  ~Jeff Cooper founder, the American Pistol Institute The opening paragraph of the Portsmouth Herald Editorial reads, “A Portsmouth police detective was recently lauded for defusing a July 4 incident in which Stawbery Banke Museum officials asked a couple openly carrying pistols to leave a ceremony attended … Read more


Biden to Representative Giffords. “Now we’re both members of the Cracked Head Club.. You know, I had two craniotomies. For real…”~Vice President Joseph Biden   While many are expressing shock about Vice-President Biden’s recent comment to Rep Gabrielle Giffords now being a member of the “Cracked Head Club” I am one who is not shocked. … Read more

The Class Warfare Of Blue Hampshire

Caitlin fails to do an effective case study on wealth and liberalism while she waves a finger at Bill O’Brien because if she looked hard enough around the Granite State she would see the utter rank hypocrisy of leftists and their verbal articulation of progressive policies, while pursuing within their own personal lives a hard-core capitalist modus operandi that would make even Milton Friedman blush.

A Funding “Solution” For Democrats Concerned about Budget Cuts

Remember all that stuff we didn’t have to have in the New Hampshire budget before 2006 when the democrats started piling it up into what has become our Billion dollar budget deficit? I don’t either. I’m not even sure what they spent it on which is why I am convinced I can do without it. All this caterwauling is clearly just cover for keeping the bloated bureaucracy alive so they can milk it for union campaign contributions.



“Labor unions would have us believe that they transfer income from rich capitalists to poor workers. In fact, they mostly transfer income from the large number of non-union workers to a small number of relatively well-off union workers…”   ROBERT E. ANDERSON, Just Get Out of the Way


 CONCORD – Governor Lynch, true to his word vetoed HB 474, the right to work Bill recently passed out of the house and Senate.  Passed out of both the house and Senate, the bill has drawn the ire of the Union Hackarama far and wide. All of the pro-unionists came out in force to pontificate about being against the working men and women of this country; About people who will starve and go hungry; and when the rhetoric and false logic had no effect, They crowded hearing rooms and were disruptive with verbal outbursts. Despite all this bad behavior, rank demagoguery and cursing at lawmakers, the bill passed anyway.

Tom Fahey, Statehouse Bureau Chief for the Union Leader  writes, “Unions see the bill as a move funded by out of state interests to undercut their role in the workplace. (Unions) argue that the measure intrudes in labor-management relations,” in this morning’s UL article,GOP goes after right-to-work opponents.

Juxtapose that against Unions bussing in “volunteers” for Carol Shea-Porter’s campaign from, Lord-knows where; And, the Union interests from all around the country pumping big dollars into local campaigns, those hardly qualify as out-of-state interests? Leave it to Union mouthpieces to complain about the very thing that is not only pro forma for them, but done with absolute shameless impunity.

Governor Lynch and his union cronies, with their Machiavellian Template,  redefine the plain and ordinary meaning of words in the furtherance of their subterfuge. In his press release Governor Lynch chastises, “States should not interfere with the rights of businesses and their employees to freely negotiate contracts. That is unless there is a compelling public interest, and there is no compelling public interest in passing this legislation…” They would have us believe that somehow the veto of this bill is was advocacy for freedom.” Lynch would have us believe job seekers have this “freedom” already in place enabling them to be free from the yoke of the Unions. That is untrue, when an employee has to pay an agency fee to the coffers of the Union. That is essentially joining the Union by proxy.

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Quick Note To Those Seeking A Reasoned Political Debate

The first step would be to advance a theory where government didn’t have its fingers in every single pie. If the state left more decisions to local and individual control there would be a lot less to debate, and less heated rhetoric, because it would be none of the political classes damn business.

No Labels – Why Are All Their “Leaders” Leftists?

No Labels, the latest of many left wing funded efforts to drag the right into the middle and the middle leftward, is looking for you to help them spread their message. But before you drop your values, abandon your principles, and jump into the center, you might want to know something about their latest pitchman, or should I say woman, Catherine “Kiki” McLean.

Roll Call-palooza – Another Democrat Taxpayer Swindle

New Hampshire Democrats, who benefit from taxpayer money laundered through public employee union dues into their campaign, are spending taxpayer dollars in the legislature to make sure they have sound bites and talking points to give to their union buddies to ensure the Aztec gold continues to flow moving forward.

The Shower Muse Asks An Important Question About the Left Wing

Shower HeadInspiration comes in strange places.  Dots connect, ideas coalesce, thoughts combine.  These kinds of events are most common for me in circumstances where it is almost impossible to write them down.  I often get revelations driving and have to pull over to write them down.  But the other morning it was in the shower.

I was getting ready to head up to the Nullify Now Tour event at SNHU in Manchester, on Saturday, when I had a thought.  It wasn’t a new thought, but somewhere between rinse, lather, and repeat what had previously been random musings got together to form a new way to present the idea and I was soaking wet with neither paper nor pencil anywhere nearby–not that I could use them in the present circumstances.

So I figured the thought was doomed.   Thousands of other things would crowd my mind, mug the thought, and leave it to die in an ally.  There it would lay slowly bleeding to death, unable to survive on the insubstantial life support of short term memory, unless I found it and resuscitated it.  

Writing it down usually allows me to preserve the thought so hours or days later, when I find it in my pants pocket while folding laundry fresh from the dryer, I can look at the pulpy looking turd with a furrowed brow and try to recall what the hieroglyphs meant when I committed them to writing.

(Sometimes the pulpy pocket turds are yellow; shout out to 3M for inventing Post-It notes.)

Well this thought must have been made of sturdy stuff.  Days later it was still alive.

So what was it?

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Wisconsin Gold

In just a few days the unions and democrats gathering in Wisconsin have provided us with a treasure trove. They have bussed in AstroTurf with connections to the White House, backing the big business unions, bearing more Hitler signs in a few miles than since Hilter was alive.

The New Hampshire House RINO Caucus

RINOsHow a representative votes can tell you a lot about their priorities.  The folks who just  voted against HB 89, who happen to run around with an (R) next to their name, think that state-crushing federal mandates like Obamacare should not be resisted by every means possible. 

They seem willing to accept that the Federal government has the right to require citizens to buy something, though I can almost guarantee they would never force you to buy and own a gun for your own self-defense.

A handful of elected "republicans" always seem willing to give up a little more State sovereignty and local control to a distance central power. (A dwindling handful, if you take my meaning).

They are what we lovingly refer to as RINO’s.  Republicans In Name Only.

Now some will argue, RINOs and Democrats mostly, that these folks voted against HB 89, and ACT requiring the NH Attorney General to join the challenge against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, because it was (insert left wing rhetoric here.)  It really does not matter, but I think my favorite is separation of powers which is a silly argument.  How do you legislate anything affecting any department under the governors leadership under those terms.  You can’t.  But I digress. The point is that for most of them this is not their first visit to the RINO rodeo.

These folks are the kind of republicans who might support John Lynch for Governor, or go to a No Labels meeting, or join a left wing run ‘bi-partisan’ House caucus.  Of course that is the only way the democrats will have them.  As democrats they would have no voice in that party at all unless they went all in on the socialist progressive agenda.  They are old school democrats, and unless their only hope is to either form an independent/moderate caucus, or take back the democrat party from the extremist liberals.  There is no longer any room for big government politicians in a small government party.

So without further delay, and to ensure their continued glorification by the left as victims, here are those ‘republicans’ who voted against HB 89 …on the jump!

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Hater Heal Thyself

If the discourse is so toxic and progressives are so concerned about where this will take our country, then perhaps they can demonstrate their commitment and compassion and lead by example?

Dean “Bob” Barker climbs off the Hamster

Dean ‘Bob’ Barker will no longer be handling the day to day duties at Boo Hoo Hamster so we are left to wonder whose job it will be to decide what hate and threats should stay up as representative of free speech and what should be taken down as free speech that is more trouble than it is worth. So many qualified people to choose from for that job…

What’s All This Then?

Tom has done Yeoman’s work in bringing us examples of the left wing hypocrisy known as ‘real’ hate speech.  But it’s hard to beat the work done by Michelle Malkin, who has what may be one of the most comprehensive examples (and it is somehow still incomplete) of what motivates the progressives. As you scroll … Read more

Why I Need Your Tax Dollars, by Gary Hirshberg

Gary Hirshberg CE-Yo of Stonyfield Farms wants you to know what he thinks about a recent taxpayer investment in organic farming. His editorial in this mornings Union Leader goes on at great length extolling the virtues and benefits of organic farming. It will create jobs, better food, help grow the organic farms footprint and provide fresh local dairy products.
He never mentions that his fresh local dairy farm is owned by a huge multinational French conglomerate of which he is a prominent international player. (Big Dairy!)

A Letter From Crazy Aunt Nancy

I just received this in my email. [my comments bracketed and bold]

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