The democrat leadership loves to project their feelings and intentions on others. By their calculus, if it is happening inside their obsessed little minds everyone has to feel that way. It is why they can’t help claiming that anything anyone does or says in opposition to them or their agenda does so from a position of fear or hate. That is how they think and feel. It is what drives them. It must also drive you.
They then filter that misconception into populist rants demanding that everyone within a 100 mile ideological radius of some perceived slight denounce whomever or whatever they have painted as ill will.
This is classic Alinsky with a twist. Rules for Radicals demands that you hold your opponents to their own moral standards, make them follow their own rules, and pummel them (and anyone near them) relentlessly at every opportunity. They do this knowing humans are flawed and incapable of perfection on their own which is amusing because in their preferred secular state there is only one source of power to guide us and it is them and the same rules do not apply to democrats.