There Are No “Rules” For Radicals

The democrat leadership loves to project their feelings and intentions on others.  By their calculus, if it is happening inside their obsessed little minds everyone has to feel that way.  It is why they can’t help claiming that anything anyone does or says in opposition to them or their agenda does so from a position of fear or hate.  That is how they think and feel.  It is what drives them.  It must also drive you. 

They then filter that misconception into populist rants demanding that everyone within a 100 mile ideological radius of some perceived slight denounce whomever or whatever they have painted as ill will. 

 This is classic Alinsky with a twist.  Rules for Radicals demands that you hold your opponents to their own moral standards, make them follow their own rules, and pummel them (and anyone near them) relentlessly at every opportunity.  They do this knowing humans are flawed and incapable of perfection on their own which is amusing because in their preferred secular state there is only one source of power to guide us and it is them and the same rules do not apply to democrats.

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Not An Orignal Thought Between Them

The progressives are looking for a name for Kathy Sullivan’s 501(4)c secret-donor non-profit.  Well how about "Amercian Bridge?" 

Why name it that?  Because it would fit nicely with a national group ‘American Bridge" set up by David Brock, a prominent democrat political operative, who runs an array of groups under the left wing "Media Matters," a non-profit that does not need to disclose it’s donors either–and from whom he will tap resources to fund his new group meant to do battle with similar groups on the right.

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It’s Another “Can’t We All Just Get Along Coalition”

John DiStaso’s Granite Status alerts us to the formation of yet another group designed to help American’s ‘find a copacetic political medium.’  This one is called NoLabels. Like similar ‘groups’ (I’ll call them out in a moment) this one wants to bring the self-proclaimed rational people from both sides into the center.

From DiStato

A new advocacy group that disdains "hyper-partisanship" and promotes "the vital center" is trying to make in-roads in New Hampshire.

"Ultimately, unless we get rid of some of our ideological intensity, we are not going to be served by government."

The group is being fronted locally by former Portsmouth mayor and so-called centrist democrat Steve Marchand.  I’m not going to waste time on whether Marchand is centrist or not, in fact I think I’ll skip the preview reel altogether and get to the point.

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“I now know what the democrats really meant when they promised to create ‘more transparency in government.’ After just a few months in complete control…we were able to see right through them. “

‘The Same Thing We Do Every Night Pinky…Try To Take Over The World”

The arrogance of the Carol Shea-Porter’s, heck all democrats for that matter, can be summed up in the liberal core belief–recently parroted by Paul Hodes–that we can’t afford to let people keep the money they earned because it will balloon the deficit.

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The Liberal Darkness

 On faith, or a lack of, in the enduring order of life.   "Habit and Custom may be the wisdom of unlettered men, but they come from the sound ancient heart of humanity.  Even the wisest of mankind cannot live by reason alone; pure arrogant reason, denying the claims of prejudice (which commonly are also … Read more

Where You Gonna Run?

Tidy Bowl Man get's his Union Bail outSeparation of powers was meant to divide the authority so that a process of checks and balances was created to protect the people from abuses of power.  This simple reality makes two things the democrats want you to believe impossible.


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Problem Solved

I confess to being surprised that the progressives have not suggested building Planned Parenthood clinics along the border with Mexico as a solution to the anchor baby problem.  If reproductive freedom really is such a critical part of left wing America then the proper introduction for future undocumented  democrat voters should be to get them … Read more

Real Hate–from where else?

Here’s some real left wing hate for you.  It’s so bad I won’t post it on Granite Grok, but you can follow the link and check it out for yourself.   Warning.  Coarse language, threats of violence, images of left wing nut-bags with offensive signs and t-shirts while the audio messages play. It’s who these people … Read more

Comrade Carol’s Moral Compass

If you read this, then you’ll have noticed that Alan Grayson is on the list of Socialists in congress.  This got me thinking.  Seiu-Porter is on the record embracing Grayson and his moral compass, so we should perhaps revisit that to reassess Carol’s mental competence in the run up to the 2010 election.

Here’s is Carol’s ringing endorsement of someone whose moral compass is a wonder to behold.  Take note that according to Carol they share almost all of the same goals and values.

Let’s go to the jump where we get a look at his moral compass.

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Is the Coffee Party Out Of Juice?

Nothing UnderneathI’m not surprised to hear this.  The coffee party (let’s call them CP) was doomed from the start.  Why?  It was a top down construction of left wing propagandists and those sorts of fabricated movements have needs that the CP could never hope to meet.

It had no core principles to stand on.  We know from the CP themselves (see here,) that there was a lack of issues focus but it’s a bigger problem than that.  Being a recovered moderate myself I can tell you that when what you think you believe cannot somehow be linked to some consistent metric or core value you don’t actually believe in anything.  You risk becoming a leaf and the wind that moves you is as capricious as your most recent whim–be it one that occurs to you on your own or something someone else (the media or a trans-formative figure for example) convinces you of from moment to moment.

Left without an anchor and lacking a reliable lens or filter, everything becomes subject to change; response is based on emotion or selfish wants and personal pleasure–the only answer to every question becomes “will this make me feel good about myself or is this good for me?”  But we already have a movement like that, it’s called the new democrat party.

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They Are That Stupid

Do you have them in Extra-Hypocrite?A bunch of Linden LaRouche democrats show up at Tea Party rallies with Obama Hitler signs and the progressive left tries to blame the Tea Party.  The left has made it public knowledge that they will themselves show up and pretend to be part of the Tea Party movement with racist and insulting signs or comments to prove that the Tea Party is full of racists.  They will be disruptive and destructive.  And now a movement has been announced at NetRoots that encourages the left to tell the Tea Party What you really think about them.  So they are basically going to be themselves in front of regular Americans who are not very happy with democrats right now.


Over at RedState, Dan Spencer actually received a forwarded Email with the basic instructions for this latest effort against the Tea Party.

“Set aside your good manners, your tolerance, your measured understanding of policy differences, and your earnest do-gooder ideas for a [sic.] just a moment to join me in telling the Tea Party what you really think of them.”

No offense but what good manners?  And tolerance?  What tolerance would that be exactly—that you’ve not devolved into actually killing them, because I’ve seen video of people getting beat up by you guys.  How is this any less tolerant or less well mannered than anything else you and your fellow travelers have tried to perpetrate in the past eighteen months?  Don’t think too hard you’ll hurt yourselves. 

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The Anointing Ones

I continue to be amused by the Lefts obsession with the so-called GOP anointing of Kelly Ayotte.  Disregarding their anointing of Paul Hodes, we have Hodes anointing Ayotte with television buys to attack her.  We have Hodes paying for a push poll on Ayotte.  They can’t seem to stop talking about her or bringing up … Read more

Secret Squirrel Goes Public–Palin More Dangerous Dead

Democrat Timmy "Secret Squirrel" Horrigan has followed Keith Halloran’s lead and stuck his little "Secret Squirrel" foot in it.  Now!Hampshire has the goods again, and once more we find Facebook coming back to haunt the left. .. “dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one…she is all about her myth & if … Read more

Got Hate? -The Keith Halloran edition

Keith Halloran is famous.  If for some reason you did not know this, the reason for his sudden brush with national fame (or perhaps infamy) is that candidate Keith Halloran, NH Democrat, wished Sarah Palin Dead.  In a discussion about the death of Senator Ted Stevens, Halloran–clearly a product of the Ray Buckley/Kathy Sullivan wing … Read more

It’s All About What They Want

Erik Erickson offers up an interesting article on pursuing a constitutional convention, (here) but what caught my attention was the Rasmussen figuers on the differences in perception between the Hodesheaporters of the world and the rest of us.   Consider the Rasmussen surveys of late: 86% of voters believe there should b “limits on what … Read more

Want To Know Why….

Want to know why you can never enter into a “bi-partisan” agreement with a liberal?   The same reason you can’t enter into any agreement with them.  No matter what you may think you have agreed to, if at some point in time they “change” their mind, they’ll just redefine it until they get their way.  … Read more

It’s not a Surplus It’s A “Lessifit”

Landigren rolled out the surplus meme again in last Sunday’s Telegraph. Trust me it’s intentional. Lynch just bought more government durring a recession, and then mortgaged the state some more but still could not claim fiscal parity. So he ran begging to his sugar daddy in the federal government for another hit, you know–just to … Read more

A.D.D.D (Revisited)

Sing...Sing a song....Sing out loud....
[[Given the recent noise from progressives about unemployment extensions (not just the payments but the joblessness) I thought I’d revisit a post I wrote back in March, the last time we went through this—because to be honest, it still applies.]]
There’s this liberal talking point, it’s spin actually, that anyone who does not disown Jim Bunning is an obstructionist.  It is founded on the premise that the Senator was against extending unemployment benefits.  The meme therefore goes; if you do not scold Jim Bunning you hate people who are unemployed and should burn in hell.

This is a natural extension of all the other mutually exclusive applications of association that elitist, finger-wagging, dimwitted, left wing spin doctors and their blindfolded parrot-like familiars shout from the rooftops of foreclosed homes.  It’s the same one that makes all white, heterosexual Christian, men, racist -globalist- misogynistic robber barons, and lets liberals try to escape the hypocrisy of ignoring the behavior of violent liberal bigots and hate mongers while whining about right wing complicity with all the winsome air of finger nails following Obama’s declining popularity down to the bottom of the chalkboard.

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The Past As The Present

  I picked this up from RedState who got it recently from the Chicago Tribune where it was apparently published back in 1934.  We are invited to read the list on the sign in the bottom left hand corner but there are plenty of interesting things to catch the eye. "It worked in Russia."  And … Read more

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