Teri Norelli Cries Foul on the Budget: Insert Yawn Here

“If you put the government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” ~Milton Friedman, Economist


Democratic leader Terri Norelli takes pen to the Union Leader this morning to decry the Republican budget. Norelli does a masterful work in her use of descriptors and categorizations demagoguing the Republicans and House Speaker Bill O’Brien with the much-expected and predictable, but artful class warfare genre of writing liberal democrats have become so adept at using. So, what is so new about this?

Back in June fellow writer Steve MacDonald detailed Terri “Billion-Dollar Deficit” Norelli’s dislike for the Budget. Steve contrasts the present budget with former offerings of the democrat-controlled house, aptly pointing out that the,  “(budget) was written based on revenue we figured we’d actually have a shot at making, not money we imagined we had to make to cover excessive spending we could never hope to afford…”  The tone and Tenor Norelli brings to her narrative still advocates and defends the Democratically-dominated legislature, with its deficit spending, taxing and expansion of state government. Steve continues in his description of the budget Norelli presided over,  There is no laundry list of increased taxes and fees in it during a recession.  It does not rely on one time federal money.  No one is using last minute debt to pay for spending we cannot afford, so we can pretend the budget is balanced.  There is a concerted effort live within our means.     No future land sales estimates based on property no one has identified, at prices we could only guess at, are being documented as a “done deal” to hide a 60 million dollar hole in the ‘balanced budget’.”

“And most heinous of all?  No new post-midnight, last minute taxes; passed on the last day of the session; under the cover of darkness; in violation of the state constitution; that the governor and most of the democrat party would later have to back-off of but whose repeal-under-duress they would actually have the balls to try and run on as proof that they do cut taxes.

It was on Norelli’s watch that balanced-budget concerns of the day prompted actions of borrowing money to mortgage the future and pass the budget holes along to be fixed by someone else. Now, the current legislature is the, “someone else” and none of the cash cow constituencies like the austere measures at hand.

It’s pretty clear Norelli’s misses and still wants the previous status quo, as she still demonstrates a fondness for deficit spending, expanded government and entitlement spending.

H/T Steve MacDonald


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