Wisconsin Gold

Wisconsin QuarterIn just a few days the unions and democrats gathering in Wisconsin have provided us with a treasure trove.  They have bussed in AstroTurf with connections to the White House, backing the big business unions, bearing more Hitler signs in a few miles than since Hilter was alive.  We have decidedly uncivil behavior, threats, insults, and violent rhetoric from union members and their lefty supporters.  Democrat legislators are running away from their jobs, and have been suitably labeled as fleebaggers.  Other Democrat politicians have begun using threatening metaphors.

And maybe I missed something, but based on the pictures…the crowd is overwhelmingly white.

It’s a big crowd of angry while liberals threatening people with their signs and words, being everything they wanted the TEA party to be.  It’s what they would do if they were the TEA party.  And it is more hate and uncivil behavior in a few days than the media and the liberal industrial complex could fabricate in two years about the TEA party.

So moving forward, the democrat politicians and operatives who live and breath to point fingers over any perceived indiscretion are now forced to contend with what they have wrought in Wisconsin.  Not that this will prevent them from ignoring the facts and lying about everything else.

Small comfort?  Public sector unions will never be seen in the same light again.  We can now look forward to their systematic decline.

Thank you WI democrats.

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