Frost and Thomas not so badass

Proof That Democrats Sherry Frost and Wendy Thomas Are Not Only Not Badass, They Are Afraid Of Republicans

According to a recent Tweet, Potty-Mouthed Dover Democrat Sherr Frost is one of “Two badass warrior women, scaring the sh!t out of Republicans since 2017.” Sherry is on the Left, Wendy Thomas on the right (of the picture but nothing else). And neither of them is badass or scaring Republicans; in fact, the truth (as usual) is exactly the opposite.

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HB159 Wrestlin

How Did Speech-Chilling HB1159’s Democrat Sponsors Vote This Past Week?

Last year we told you about HB1159 which we labeled “Shut the ‘Grok Down” bill. That was because it was meant to shut down the ‘Grok (per the admission of the bill’s sponsor). Without rehashing all of the sordid details, it wanted to create a new protected class of citizens made up of solely elected representatives for the crimes of “Cyberstalking, Cyberdoxxing, and Cyberbullying.”

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Sherry Frost

Democrat NH State Rep Sherry Frost is a Short Memory’d Hypocrite

Did NH State Rep Sherry Frost forget a little detail? Like she was a sponsor of this bill last year? HOUSE BILL 1159-FN    AN ACT relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant. SPONSORS: Rep. Diggs, Graf. 16; Rep. J. Schmidt, Hills. 28; Rep. W. Thomas, Hills. 21; Rep. Frost, Straf. 16; Rep. Altschiller, … Read more

free speech - speech suppression

HB1159 Testimony – making Public Servants into a new “Protected Class” above citizens

TO: House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee DATE: January 29, 2020 RE: HB 1159-FN – AN ACT relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant. FROM: Kathleen LaBonte, <redacted> Dear Chairman Cushing and Committee Members: I begin my public testimony AGAINST HB 1159 by quoting Thomas Jefferson: “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action … Read more

Jan Schmidt Bernie Bus

HB 1159 (The “Shut the ‘Grok down bill) – Testimony of Howard Coffman

HB1159 relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant Recommendation: ITL – Inexpedient to Legislate Mr. Chairman and Distinguished Members of this House Committee: I come before you today to speak in opposition to HB 1159. I urge you to vote “inexpedient to legislate” and place this legislative proposal into the dustbin of … Read more


HB1159 – The Democrat “Shut the ‘Grok DOWN” bill – Hearing Report

Well, we’ve certainly had a number of posts leading up to this hearing asking that if you could, it would be wonderful if folks could come out to support us. We’ve made it clear that this bill was aimed directly at GraniteGrok and I am glad to say that NH State Rep Jan Schmidt made it CLEAR that “a website” was guilty of this.

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Gun Control in NH

HB1159 – Hearing for the “Shut the ‘Grok DOWN” bill created by Democrats

BUMPED and UPDATED: The hearing is still set for tomorrow at the time below. The Executive Session (when the Committee will be voting on the bill). Remember, this is retribution for the coverage we’ve been doing the last couple of years, especially on some of the sponsors of the bill.
BUMPED: Again, I’m hoping that as many of the Groksters and our friends will come out to the hearing. It’s a lot to ask – y’all have jobs!

The actual title of the bill is this: “relative to cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxxing of a public servant.

Date: Wednesday, 1/29
Time: 10:45 am
Place: LOB  Room 204 (that’s Legislative Office Building right behind the State House)

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