You might know Democrat Rep Debra Altschiller for alleged attempts …to censor the press, hit an old lady, suppress free speech on public sidewalks, create speech carveouts for legislators to suppress the free speech of others, and just being an intolerable Democrat stooge, but now there’s this.
AG warns state Senate candidate The Sunday News received a copy of a letter from Attorney General John Formella’s elections unit regarding past campaign finance reports from state Rep. Debra Altschiller, D-Stratham, who is running for the state Senate this fall.
The Aug. 25 letter from Deputy General Counsel Myles Matteson noted that in 2020, Altschiller failed to file seven different campaign finance reports, and the ones that she did did not itemize expenses or document starting balances.
The letter gave Altschiller seven days to refile these reports.
Altshitler says she’s filed them and zer is nothing to zee here. Move Along! Schnell! Or what? You’ll try to suppress our free speech (again!). That’s your thing. You’ve been at the forefront of nearly every recent left-wing, ding-dong, Democrat effort to use the state to silence free press or free speech. It’s an odd hobby, given that her husband is the editor of a Seacoast Press group.
Newspapers, yes. The Free Press that prints the only press that’s free to print. And by that, I mean free from the Sauron-like eye of the likes of Altshitler because it would never dare to publish her voting record in a manner unbecoming.
Anyway, I went and looked, and the reports were there but were clearly absent otherwise, the AGs office wouldn’t have had to send her a reminder two years later. Poor housekeeping that given it was two years ago. It’s not a good sign when a candidate who wants to spend billions of other people’s dollars can’t be bothered to follow the law. Someone with a history of trying to silence people who just share what she says and does or how she votes.
Yes, she is running for public office again. The NH Senate. District 24, Democrat Tom (thinks he can be governor) Sherman’s seat. He’s challenging Gov. Sununu, who is still, for reasons unknown, very popular with the people, so someone else will have to take over for Tom while he loses.
District 24 encompasses Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, New Castle, North Hampton, Newton, Rye, Seabrook, Stratham, and South Hampton. The map is not stable, so if that has changed, my apologies. And Republicans win the seat often enough, so Altshitler isn’t a shoo-in, nor should she be in at all.
And not just because she’s dismissive of campaign finance law. If history is any guide, the moment her butt warms one of those seats, she’ll come after the free speech again.
On a positive note, I think she snaps like a twig when you bring it up.