HB1159 – like a Zombie from the Crypt, it’s alive at 10am this morning. UPDATE: It’s now dead forever more

by Skip

UPDATE and BUMPED: Hmm, I had edited this earlier but WordPress seems to have lost it. The Criminal and Justice Committee voted, 11-0, to “not recommend further legislation”. To my surprise, the motion was by Rep David Meuse who said it had First Amendment problems and implications for the Press. He also said that there are already Criminal Threatening laws on the books.  So, to him, THANK YOU!. The final vote was 11-0.


This is the “kill the ‘Grok” bill and it’s back from being put “onto the table” / interim study.  There is a full Committee Work Session at 10am followed by the Executive Session (where the Committee will vote on the bill). Just do a search on HB1159 in the SEARCH field above for all that we’ve written about it.

The Zoom link is here:  https://www.zoom.us/j/94238069790

Again, this bill’s sponsors are mostly those Democrat NH State Reps that are annoyed that we keep writing about them either because of what they say or what they have done. IMHO, this is there attempt to shut us up and shut us down.  It remains to be seen whether or not the Democrats still honor and value Free Speech where the REAL definition of Free Speech to be protected is that which you don’t like. Frankly, I’m worried what the final outcome will be because we are such PIAs to those that DON’T like that we can speak up to hold people accountable regardless of whether they have a D, R, G, I, S, P, or Berni-Bro after their names…

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