Leafblower leaves on ground pexels-paris-lopez-9620213

Leaf Blow Me!

The war on common sense isn’t limited to gender conflict. The same people taking things away from women are keen on robbing everyone else of something. Washington State Rep. Amy Walen has proposed a bill banning gas-powered landscaping equipment. My first thought?

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Storm clouds child plaines

Is This The Biggest Climate Cult Lie Ever?

The Climate Cult’s record is not good. Their “frontmen” keep making predictions that never come true. Their prescriptions are not “green.” And there is no evidence that their “cure” will result in the changes prophesized. There is, however, evidence that it won’t.

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Let’s Go Nuclear

We hear those on the Left admonishing us frequently to “follow the science”. We hear it regarding global warming (very much debated), homeopathy medicine (the debunked theory that ultra-small doses of poisonous substances are actually healthy), men can get pregnant and give birth, there are multiple genders and other such nonsense then push us to … Read more

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