EV, Eletric Vehicle parking spot

Is It too Soon to Report Even MORE Bad News About Electric Vehicles?

Before I impart the new bad news, yesterday, Rob Roper looked at Vermont’s ridiculous, misguided spending decisions regarding school buses. They don’t have enough drivers, so when they got some money, they ‘invested it’ in electric school buses (for whom they still don’t have enough drivers).

Rivian EV truck screen grab

More Bad News For Electric Vehicles (Truck Edition)

Electric Vehicles (EVs) suck. To review, they are dirty to build (not green), dirty to run (not green), are more likely to fail, are far too expensive, and inadequate to almost any task not suited to a golf cart (which is a lot cheaper), and now we’ve got more bad news.

Electric car charging

A Career Progressive Brings Bad News – There is no ‘Green’ in Electric Vehicles

One of the keystones of the green energy fantasy has been to shift transportation away from combustion to electric-powered vehicles. We’ve been pointing out for over a decade that they are playing a joke on you. Not only are they not the solution, but they are also another dirty, nasty, un-green lie.

EV Electric Vehicle

Are EVs Good or Bad for the Environment?

The government offers large amounts of money for Americans to buy electric vehicles (EVs) to help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Many claims about EVs and their effects on the environment often seem conflicting. As with most manmade products, it can be difficult to fully measure all the environmental impacts: the … Read more

More Bad News for The ‘Energy Transition’ – There Isn’t Enough Copper for EVs, Forget The Rest of It

If you hear a politician or one of their fanatical followers mouthing off about net zero, the energy transition, or achieving some arbitrary reduction in emissions by a date earlier than, say, 2150 CE or 130 ACE (after the covid era), call bullsh!t. Don’t worry, we’ve got receipts.

Electricity power lines Transmission lines High voltage

The State Wants to Suck Electricity from the SUV You Are Required to Buy

A literal power vacuum—that’s what California Senate Bill 233 proposes. And what is to be sucked? Your electric car.

Auto collission accident headlight Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

The Bad News for Electric Vehicle Owners Keeps Getting Worse

We have the Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Protection Bureau, Consumer Product Safety Commission, USA.gov, and even state-level agencies, claiming an interest in consumer protections, but no one is investigating the hidden costs of owning an electric vehicle (EV).

EV charging electric vehicle

German Research Team: Diesel Vehicles More Friendly to the Environment Than Electric

Angela and Company put Germany on Energy transitioning hormones, but there’s a problem. Not much wind and not enough sun. And there’s no easy way to turn back. The nation’s last three Nuclear plants are decommissioning, which leaves Deutschland in dire straits.

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Massachusetts and Vermont Poised to Adopt California’s EV Only Mandate and That’s Bad for New Hampshire

To borrow from Forrest Gump, stupid is as stupid does, but that’s not all there is to say about California’s Vehicle emissions standards or why Vermont and Massachusetts (along with 15 other states) are poised to adopt them and an Electric Vehicle mandate.

EV charging electric vehicle

More Bad News for EVs – You Pay Up to An Extra 13% for Electrical “Waste” with Every “Fill Up”

An auto club in Germany that claims 21 million members ran some controlled charging test electric vehicles to see how efficient that process was. The results put another nail in the value coffin. Not only are they expensive to buy and own, but the average charge also wastes up to 13% of the electricity.

EV charging electric vehicle

EU Working Hard to Make Electric Vehicles Even More Expensive

On average, one of those so-called planet-saving Electric Edsels we hear so much about costs almost 20,000.00 dollars more than its fossil-fuel-fired counterpart, but that’s going to go up.

Electric car charging

The Left’s Electric Car Future Is All Carbon Smoke and Mirrors

As Joe Biden’s gas reaches for the Left’s price-point G-Spot the Twitter-titter of giggling schoolgirls has filled the echo chamber with the glories of Electric vehicles (EVs). Not so fast.

Electric car charging

A Reality Check For Electric Vehicles in the Real America

Electric Vehicles (EVs) have always been a boutique item for well-to-do virtue signalers. Even with gobs of taxpayer-backed incentives (the well-to-do take but don’t need), most EVs are still too expensive for average Americans. But the Left is obsessed, and while that is bad for you, this might be worse.

California: We Can’t Keep the Lights On So Let’s Ban Gas Powered Vehicles

It is no secret that California is a mess. Crime, Disease, poverty, homelessness, and that was before COVID or the riots. The green energy also has rolling blackouts due to insufficient electric power, so what’s the next logical step? Prohibit any vehicle that is not electric.

Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy Logo

Transportation and Climate Initiative a bad deal for New Hampshire

The regional cap-and-tax scheme called the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is a bad deal for New Hampshire, the initiative organizers’ own projections show. Modeled on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the TCI would cap carbon emissions from transportation sources (vehicles) and force fuel distributors to buy carbon allowances. A declining cap would force distributors … Read more

90% of all Electric Vehicle Tax Credits In the US Go To The Top Income Quintile

In July 2015 Severin Borenstein and Lucas Davis released a report titled, The Distributional Effects of U.S. Clean Energy Tax Credits. It sought to examine the distribution of government handouts (incentives) to invest in things the government insisted would be better for the environment. The government is incredibly bad at so many things but thinking … Read more

Data Point – Electric Obama

I’ve blogged a number of times on how badly Obama’s promise to transform our car buying behaviors (as that’s what Progressives do with their I know better than you what is best for you “tell”. And then we, who make up the Free Market decision makers (aka, telling the Central Planners to go….do something else) … Read more

About that 1M electric car prediction, Mr. Obama?

It is certainly is a topic that I’ve blogged about before – a side transformation of American life and putting a stake in the heart in the American love of that big throaty roar of a well-tuned big block V8.  Instead, we’d be transformed to go down that Electric Avenue.  Unfortunately, other than he, the … Read more

Bad News For Obamamobiles

One of the best things about ignoring all the hype and just using common sense is when you are proven right.  The only thing better than that is when the Kool-aid® drinkers start to realize that you were right as well.  What the heck am I talking about?  Electric cars. For close to five years, … Read more

White House – Week One Update

We are getting all of the White House updates probably because we did a Trump event a few years back as media and had official White House Press passes. No one forgets an email, I guess, and no, it makes no sense to share them all as they roll in – there are a lot … Read more