Would You Drive an EV if You Knew The Human Cost? - Granite Grok

Would You Drive an EV if You Knew The Human Cost?

JRE Siddarth Kara

The next time you bump into a green-energy, electric vehicle futurist who seems a bit too committed to the Net-Zero lie, take a deep breath and then ask them this. So, you’re okay with the human trafficking and slavery required to make that possible?

And that may not be the best way to open the topic. Maybe more of an “I love the idea, and technology is great, but I have some concerns.”

What sort?

If emotion is a better needle-mover than data (there isn’t enough of the stuff we need to get here from there) or facts (we’re offshoring emissions, not eliminating them), how about this?

Joe Rogan is talking to Siddharth Kara, “an American author, activist, and expert on modern-day slavery and human trafficking, child labor, and related human rights issues.” This brief segment introduces us to an inconvenient truth many knew or suspected and gives it a face.

Rare earth metals like cobalt are essential. They are in every modern battery-powered device, from rechargeable lights to smartphones, EVs, and green energy backup storage. The climate cult’s utopia is impossible without it, and most of the cobalt is in The Congo, where it is mined by hand—using forced hard labor in Chinese-owned mines for maybe a dollar or two a day, according to Siddharth Kara.

The stuff is toxic to humans, and the workers wear no gloves or masks.

And while it is not just cobalt, the more significant problem is increased demand as governments force their transportation and energy transition plans forward. Priorities that will lead to more of this.





Here’s another video on this.

